It’s All in your Dreams Dreams, we all have them, but what do your dreams mean especially when they are related to your Twin Flame. Do you know how to decode the hidden meaning or are you lost as to why you dreamt certain things? Dreams are said to be the brain’s way of making sense of the many types of life intakes with which it has to deal with. The Twin Flame journey can be one of the most mind blowing things, so to discount your dreams would be foolish of you. During our waking hours the focus of our pursuits are generally geared towards our outward external processes and our conscious actions. Where as our dreams are on a subconscious level, or are they really? Let’s start off with when you were a child, you dreamt of places, people or things that you had never seen before, much of it did not make much sense to you. Perhaps you were dreaming about one particular person or occurrence over and over. Were these insights to your future or your past lives? The connection you now have to your Twin Flame began a very long time ago in most instances, but you may not have any recollection of this. I remember one dream in particular that I would have often as a child, it was always at the beach, there was a high wall surrounding it, in that wall, there was a hole, in the hole was a piece of paper, that piece of paper said a name and the numbers 7, 11, that is all that was written on it, it was the name of my Twin Flame and the date we were going to met on. Of course I had no idea what it meant at the time or how significant it really was to my life, have you had dreams like this? Subconscious or Not? I asked earlier if our dreams are on a subconscious level or not? In my opinion, when we have very life like dreams it can be our higher selves communicating with us or a future prediction, Is it part of your awakening process, to get in touch with your higher self, I would have to say yes! Do these dreams occur on the astral plain? Oh yes they do. If you can you should pay close attention to the numbers, to what is actually happening, the finer details and if possible keep a dream journal. A dream journal can be priceless on this journey! Dreams tap into your database of memory, experiences, life occurrences, past, present or future, cultural beliefs, problem solving and conditioned beliefs. Are your dreams trying to tell something important that you need to change about yourself and your life. Can you learn from your dreams? Oh yes without doubt you can. Was the very first time in this lifetime you met your Twin Flame in your dreams, did you have that feeling of deja vu about the surroundings of you meeting them? Besides the already instant recognition and knowing that this person was going to be an integral part of your life! I have also had some dreams that gave me very specific details about what I needed to do, some I will admit scared me, some that were very informative, others were just plain weird at the time, like they had no significance, until I decoded them. Dreams were key during my journey and I do feel that this could be the same for you. Is it time to explore your dreams for you never know what hidden secrets or solutions they may have for your Twin Flame journey? Do you have music or songs in your dreams? There will be a message in that for you too, one particular dream I had was one that I had great trouble with as I must have had this dream for weeks on end, every night, after someone close to me passed away. I printed out the lyrics and began to read, it became so very apparent to me that there was an extremely important message in this dream for me and I will in fact go so far as to say that it changed a large portion of my life and still does to this day! Will your dreams show you what you need to work on, reveal your insecurities about your Twin Flame, oh hell yes, so like I said DO NOT EVER DISCOUNT YOUR DREAMS, they hold more information that you can possibly imagine!! I also have a wonderful service that is very inexpensive to help you out with decoding your dreams, check it out here, https://www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com/services.html I bet you do not think that you dreams are crazy anymore right and that you should have been paying more attention to them all along!! Lesson learnt and onward you go! The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolmary11.11/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.” ~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct messages or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2020. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner
Hi All, I have a short interest piece for you all to read, it came to my attention on many occasions that Twin Flames were simply a made up phenomenon as an excuse for people who stalk other people, unrequited love or a way for people to make money, eye roll. So here is the science behind the connections between people along with some history that I hope you will find interesting. So many people who would consider themselves to only believe in what science tells them, that people can not have a soul connection, it is just not possible, have recently had their boat well and truly rocked. Humans have always needed to have contact with other humans, we need to feel loved and that we are an important person to someone else, but what happens when that connection is very deep, your love goes deeper than it ever has for another person. How is it that I can understand their thoughts and emotions, I can actually feel if they are upset, I know if they are in pain and I also have sexual urges when they do and we are not even in the same room or country. I can even sense if they are thinking about me. Some will say it is not possible but now science has actually proved that it is possible and always has been for some people to have a much stronger soul connection with others. These people are known for being highly sensitive people, gosh think about it for a second, you pick up on emotions and you can feel them but with your Twin Flame it is just a little bit deeper, so no you are not actually crazy and you are really feeling that person in exactly the way you think you are and the real truth behind it is that they can feel it too, they are just not as sensitive as you. So for the science part! I know you are waiting on this with baited breath, we have cells in our brain that fire up and although it is still not fully understood, my belief is that they are referred to as mirror neurons. Some of us have more of these mirror neurons and that is why we can feel the emotions of others because we are easily triggered when we feel something that they are going through. Hence how we can feel and sense what our Twin Flame is doing because they trigger these mirror neurons more than any other person can. These were originally discovered in the early 1990’s by a team of Italian researchers and the results of this have become quite controversial over the years and feel that some people perhaps those with autism mirror neurons are broken and that is why a person with autism can not show as much empathy . It is safe to say that Twin Flames mirror neurons are more sensitive especially after the meet and the full awakening process begins. The brain is for sure a very complex thing and where is the brain, in our head and that is where our souls are meant to be also, right there behind the eyes hence when we say the eyes are the window to the soul. Interesting huh? Now for the history part!
Where does the concept of Twin Flames come from? The discovery of Twin Flames began in ancient Greece. Many Greek philosophers had different theories about how two souls joined together in reunion, each philosopher had their own view on life. Plato was the only philosopher to really have an idea on what Twin flames are. Plato was born in what was known as classical Athens and live a very influential life he had many different views on the way life should be lived, he believed in love and kindness towards others even though he is known to never of been satisfied with his love life because of this he wanted to help others find their one true love, their Twin flame. Plato said that everyone comes from one soul that divided into smaller fragments and were spread all across the earth and over time would all unify and bring together every race, nation, gender and families, or as individuals while on opposite sides of the universe. As the splitting occurred relationships were created causing us to seek reunion and eventually return to our source of “origin”. At the end of the division cycle our souls made the painful decision to separate themselves for the greater good of the universe because of this separation from our twin the other half of our soul we lost our way on earth and became humans all of this pain from the separation is a part of a plan made by the universe it was so we could feel things on different levels, to feel separation and when the time was right we would become reunited and all the pain would be worth it. “It seems that when each of us separated into our male and female halves long ago, the soul knew, and still knows, that the rejoining of its incomplete self would inevitably take place. It was part of the divine plan. After that agonizing and painful division occurred, a deep-seated yearning for oneness began to linger within each of us and the desire for reunion and completeness has endured over the ages. Only one other in the entire universe can satisfy it. As a result, we are constantly searching for our twin.”. Plato is not the only ancient philosopher to write about Twin Flames throughout history Twin Flames play a key role in the love life aspects, some have believed that wars have started over love so powerful it cannot be described. One key lesson that many Twin Flame researchers have said “is to be patient and to love all equally with all of your heart and for any and all heart break is a lesson to be taught and learned.” I hope that you have found the above article interesting and of course as always I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolmary11.11/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.” ~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct messages or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2020. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Hi All, It has been requested by more than a few people that I write an article on the truth about the sleeper Twin Flame. I had already written an article about it so I felt it was high time that I updated it with the latest knowledge. So here is it for you! What is the sleeper Twin Flame? To understand the sleeper Twin Flame, you will need to understand what a Twin Flame is first and only then can you get the clarity you need. I have included the below article to explain this to you: https://www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com/twin-flame-must-knows/who-or-what-is-a-twin-flame I often wonder why we have to define this relationship in this way, I mean at the end of the day you are two people who wish to be in a relationship with each other but there are blockages standing in your way. However, through the course of my work I have found it necessary to use the label leader and sleeper, so that I simply did not have to use runner and chaser. Those two words right there are not the definition of a Twin Flame journey, they are the definition of a stalker and the person who does not want the stalker in their life. So why do I use sleeper for one half of this relationship because that is why you are reading to find out what this means for you. The sleeper is quite simply the one who is not awakened to the dynamics of the relationship, it does not mean they do not feel a connection to you, it means that they are not awakened spiritually or there are conditioned life beliefs standing in the way of the relationship so it seems easier for them to walk away because they can not see the wood for the trees. Predominantly the ‘sleeper” Twin Flame was considered to be the male of the relationship, that was always an outdated belief for me. I work with both male and female leader Twin Flames. I find that the male leader Twin Flame goes through just as much as the female. There are some teachings out there that you can not be a part of the LGBTQ + community as they could not possibly be a Twin Flame, I call bullshit on that also. I do not feel that the Twin Flame journey is dominated by a particular religion, race, ethnicity, age, disability or gender identity. I come up against some ridicule for what I feel is the real truth behind this journey, just because I like to call a spade a spade and speak in simple terms that are easier for everyone to understand. I also believe that we as Twin Flames strive to come into union here on this earth for we are here to join together and carry out missions which are considered to be humanitarian acts. An important thing to remember is that this journey knows no bounds. Once you connect with your Twin Flame you may feel an intensity like no other, you will want to spend as much time with this person as possible, part of you will not be able to understand the reasoning behind why you feel this way at first. You may feel instant love, a need to be there for them always and obsession like symptoms with how they are doing or where they are at any given time. It is something that you can not explain to friends and family. You will keep much of this emotion inside of you. This emotion can build up and make you feel awful. At times you may even believe that you are crazy to feel or think this way. So which one of you will become the Sleeper?
The simple answer is the one who can not deal with the intensity of the relationship, the one who feels fear about the love that you share. The one who pushes you away over and over, who will do things that are done to purposely hurt you. The main symptoms of a Sleeper - is this you?
What happens when your Twin Flame leaves the relationship? Many will run because of the symptoms described above, the leader needs to know that it is not because of them or that they have no feelings for each other. I find typically the sleeper will go out in search of another so that they know for sure that they have found “the one.” I have explained all of this in my blog called the searching phase. https://www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com/twin-flame-must-knows/the-searching-phase During this period of separation, the sleeper twin may meet their karmic relationship this is so that they can learn lessons to prepare for the ultimate union. This can be very hurtful to you but you have to keep in mind that they are in preparation for being with you. The sleeper twin will miss you and they will feel your love but still rejects the connection this is owing to the fact they are living in fear. Many will have had a very destructive past, perhaps being emotionally abused, a victim of bullying or have mostly had loved ones leave their lives without explanation. There may also be past life issues calling things to a halt. These are all issues that will have to be worked through before union can happen. So how will the Sleeper do this. if they do not accept the relationship? That is where you come in as the leader, firstly the reasons why the sleeper has left you, will have to be discovered, you can do this by having a reading or a consultation with myself. I have many tools that will help you to work out the right way forward for you and this ultimate love. Of course every case is different so here are some tips that will help you deal with things.
Some of the crazy things that the sleeper will do!
So how do you keep your sanity while dealing with this? I always advise that you work on yourself, find the time to write down your issues whether that is in the past or present. Knowledge is key, find out everything you can about what is going on. Knowledge is power. Why you are being treated like this? The more information you have the better. Occupy your mind, take up a hobby, go dancing, watch good movies and go out and have fun with your friends. Do not sit at home waiting for him to come to you. The sleeper twin is most likely to come back when you are busiest, happiest or you have found your soulmate. Yes Murphy’s law right!! Make no error your sleeper will turn your whole life upside down and throw up emotions you thought you had suppressed or did not know existed in your world. So work them out, resolve things so that there are less obstacles in your way. No you are not losing it. What you feel is real. Also know that many will say that it is an obsession, that you are a stalker, none of this is true. What you are feeling is a soul connection, the divine and ultimate love. This is for sure not a journey for the faint hearted. As Twin Flames are most often in separation and we feel helpless to know what to do to reach union. Everything seems set against you, what could be better than knowing what makes your Twin Flame tick when it comes to love. What they prefer and how you can get your love across to them in a more confident manner. This love language was test developed with only Twin Flames in mind because as you know this relationship is like no other and has massive differences to the conditioned beliefs many are used to in life.This is a must have for a Twin Flame who wants to learn how to move on in the best way and with unconditional love in mind. I also believe it will help with your growth as to strive to become the best version of yourself. I have three different options available to you, prices include, the test and analysis of the results. Book yours today. It really is a wonderful tool and as I said above, knowledge is power! Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ Email: [email protected] This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2019. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Hi All,
I first wrote this article around 2 years ago, some of it was from my own journey and more of it was from what I have learnt helping out, many wonderful Twin Flames. We already know that our Twin Flames will do things, hurtful things, that would be a deal breaker with anyone else, however, the one I find most struggle with is what I call the searching phase. I know that some of you will know about this already, but I decided to look at it again and see what if anything has changed, if there is a new way of combating it, and of course to refresh your memory. Life Changing After we meet our Twin Flame our whole life changes, this had a pretty tremendous impact on you but it seems our counterpart does not notice this as much as us leaders do. Often times many do not understand that, because it had such an effect on your life, it brings up all kinds of hurts and struggles, things that you may have thought you left go long ago. Oh No! One of the next things that could happen is you hear that they are dating someone else, on a dating website or the latest dating app, some will tell you that they want to date others, or you hear from a friend that they saw them with someone else. As if you heart was not broken enough already!! Now you have to deal with this on top, there will be so much going through your mind. Along with crying, anger, some even get depressed. Questions Why are they putting themselves out there and looking for someone else? How could they want to be with someone else after they have been with me? Did they not feel what I did? Am I losing my mind? I am sure that these are all questions you have asked yourself! Well I mean the love of your life has left you, it seems to you that they have moved on and at lightning speed, all the while you are in a lot of pain. It is never easy to comprehend why your beloved finds it necessary to find someone else. You will find yourself asking questions like, what is wrong with me? Am I not good enough? Did they not find me interesting or attractive enough? Did they not feel the same things as I did. because it had such an effect on your life. What Actually Happened Your Twin Flame knows on some level, but it is because they are not as awakened as you, they find that the whole relationship with you could not possibly be real, I mean there is no such thing as a perfect partner right. In my opinion there are four reasons why they do this, which one has your Twin Flame done? This might help you to understand more why they have done this. Reality So your other half goes out in search of reality. They want to make sure that they have found their one by seeing if others will even compare. It is a sleeper instinct to do so, the sleeper may be running away but they are also in search of truth as they do this!! Safety The search for the safer you, why do I say that?, well like I said on some level they understand who you are to them, but oh my do you have the potential to hurt them, sleeper Twin Flames do not cope well with being hurt at all, so instead of having to feel such things, they just let you go and go out in search of another. This person may have some of same characteristics of you, but they will not feel for them, half of what they feel for you. Therefore less chance of getting hurt, but this relationship will not compare to you at all, so they will begin to drift away quickly from this person. Opposite Alternatively they may be the total opposite of you, in looks, personality and actions. This is perhaps because you have brought out all of the things that they do not like about themselves, a person who is nothing like you, could never do that. What your Twin Flame does not realize is that when you brought up all of that in them, that they will have no choice only to begin working on it, so being with another person will not help that process and that relationship will fizzle out. Going Over Old Ground They may revisit old relationships, this is to try to figure out why it did not work with that person. This is a learning curve for them, it may be necessary for them to know so that they will not do it in the future. Once again they will find out the reasons why they left this person in the first place. Your sleeper will realize this and know that it will work with no other, there is really only you. What Happens Next Now will come the time where they will make contact with you again, or you both will have a chance meeting. How you react towards them is up to you. You both will either come together one more time and part or actually get to union. You will need to forgive your sleeper for hurting you so much, it is hard to think about them being with someone else and I know you will have to dig deep to find it in yourself to forgive them and move forward. This forgiveness will also need to be offered to yourself for acting out of ego and not a place of unconditional love. One thing I will say though, is your Twin Flame is not cheating on you, I hear that so often, if you are not in a committed exclusive relationship with one another, it is not cheating, while it may feel like it is, it is not, it is important to know that while they are your Twin Flame, you do not own their lives or what they do. My Lesson I learnt about the searching phase the very hard way, when my Twin Flame decided he wanted to go back to his ex wife, he wanted to see if the marriage was worth saving. He later told me it was for their children in some ways and the other reason was he was scared, that things would not work out with us, everything felt too intense for him. It did not make sense to me as they were going through ending their marriage, they did not talk much anymore, a karmic relationship for him. We were in the beginning of our relationship, not committed more so talking about being together. Things started to get a little strained with us, I was feeling like he was pulling away, talking with someone else and I felt that he had decided to try again with his wife. Double whammy. When I questioned him about this, asked him if he had decided to try again with her, why did he always take so long to answer me, when it was normally instant, asked was he talking to someone else, he lied to me, I knew he was lying, so I got more silent, stopped communicating with him, it took him 4 more months to tell me the truth, the next time we saw each other in person, that he did indeed have sex with his wife, that he was talking to an ex, the one before his wife. I could see that he was suffering, he knew that I was going to walk away and I did just that, he asked me to come back, he wanted to be with me, but I could not bring myself to do it, I was just too deeply hurt. I walked away! For 9 months, I had so much pain and hurt built up inside of me, I asked all of our mutual friends to not talk to me about him. I did not want to talk or hear from him. I had the hardest time with this and made it a very difficult time, I often look back and say that I wish I had known why he did it. Now that I do, I want to share that with you. I asked him many questions about this time and the answer he gave me was I had to know if I was making the right choice, as being with you was going to change my whole world. It was not that he was not totally in love with me, not that he did not want to create a future with me, but more so protecting himself. That was hard to take too because I would not have hurt him in that way, he just did not know that I would not have. In those 9 months I was gone from him, his whole world fell apart, I immersed myself in my children and work. He was very depressed, he said he would sit outside for hours and cry because he had lost his one true love with his actions, he deserved to feel that way. Moving Forward Then out of the blue I heard from him, I did not open the message for a week, could not bring myself to do it. There was an apology and an explanation, one like I said I had a hard time hearing it. You know that burning feeling in your chest, that is how it felt. I now knew that I had to either forgive him or walk away, I knew I was still in love with him. He told me everything was done, he had learnt his lesson. He asked if we could be friends so I agreed, when we signed off for the night he would always tell me that he loves me, I did not reply, my ego was bruised more than anything, about 2 weeks into that friendship, after a lot of thinking and soul searching, I wrote him, I knew he was hurting, I told him that I forgave him for everything. Things moved quickly after that. Hindsight I am now happy that he did this because it showed him without doubt that he wanted to be with me and no other for the rest of our days on this earthly plain. This searching for another will hurt you very much, and make you ask the question how can this person be my beloved, the other half of my soul. If they are in love with me, they would not do this to me. In fact they are doing this for you complicated I know, so they are 100% sure when entering a relationship with you. Your sleeper will never find it necessary to look for another, they will know 100% that you are the one for them. Some of you might argue that this should be known from the beginning but I will state that past hurts cause sleepers to act how they do. So how do you get through this phase, how do you deal with the hurt your runner causes you? Many work on themselves, find other interests. Some wallow in self pity and wonder all about how they are not good enough. Some twins meet someone else in the hope they can forget about their sleeper Twin, this one never works out either. What I suggest for you to do, is accept what your twin is doing and the reason why. Work on yourself, look at your faults and failings, not an easy task I know so contact me and I can help you deal with this phase and how to move forward with the least hurt possible. If I could offer any advice or words of wisdom on what I call the searching phase is that you know that they will not find another like you no matter how far they look, and know that you are good enough and that you are special, unique and not like anyone else!! Don’t do what I did, it wasted so much time!! I do know that some will say, wow she is crazy going back to someone who hurt her that way, but they do not understand the love we experience. In all the world, there is no heart and soul for me like yours, in all the world there is no love for you like mine ~ Maya The quote he said to me when we first met up after that life changing forgiveness message. Thank you all for reading, I do hope that this will help you if you are suffering right now or to perhaps know what could come in the future. Much Love, Carol Mary Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ Email: [email protected] This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary ©Carol Mary 2018. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner When I first came across the term twin flame, my mind was filled with confusion, so much that I was reading made no real sense to me, words like ascension, divine masculine etc, blew my mind. I had no idea what anyone was talking about, that day I said I was never going to read another person’s explanation of it ever again. Plus I partly did not believe that the symptoms of a twin flame relationship were even true although some did fit for this person I met 6 months before. Up to the point I met him my life was not great, my husband at the time was and still is an alcoholic, who when drinking was the nastiest person you could ever come across. I often fantasized about a man coming to save me. Take me away from this life of hurt that I lead but that was not going to happen really, I had to become strong and save myself, this was one of the first things I learnt as a twin flame. Of course I was not confident in my gifts at that time so I shrugged most of what I was feeling off, I did however go to see a psychic, a man who lived about 25 miles away from my home, I did it for a laugh to be honest because I never really believed in things like that, oh boy how my mind has changed over the past 7 years. I was there with two of my friends and the first thing he said to me was “Your whole life is about to change, you are in for one heck of a ride and also you are not as innocent as you like people to believe you are. He then told me that I was going to met someone in the most unusual place, this person was going to be the next man I was going to marry, my one and only true love. He talked about some other things too that shocked me, like my fear I would not be able to have a baby after a miscarriage. He told me I would always suffer with back pain and to take care of my kidney area and lastly what stands out in my mind is that he said I would never be rich but I would be well known. I fobbed most of it off! Then I look back to my childhood, I was never settled and was always searching for something new, someone I had not met yet. Always kicking myself for not saying something that I felt or saw to another. To be honest up until the 11th July 2010 there was always a missing piece. The 11th of July was the day we first spoke and I knew that he was going to be very important in my life, I felt like we had met before and I started to see my future spread out before me. By this stage my gifts started to intensify, I was seeing more and more as I met people, all these words and things that would happen would start to jump out at me, I could see what I learnt later was their soul, I had dreams so clear I felt it was actually happening to me at the time, so in hindsight meeting my twin flame was a catalyst, so my journey of learning and discovery had begun. Now I am going to impart the information to you that I have not shared with others before…. Truth Time
This has become a very hot topic, everyone wants a slice of the action so much so that there are people claiming they are twin flames when they are not, there is a very mixed perception of what a twin flame is and how you know you have found yours and there is a very common misconception that your twin flame will come into your life and everything will fall into place and be perfect. That is just not true on any level. You will get to that level of perfection that I know as a united twin flame, but it is damn hard work getting to that position and anyone who tells you otherwise is either not a twin flame or has met their soul mate. There are huge differences. In my opinion at the very beginning of your existence, the ones who guide us and our angels were there at our creation, we were made as one soul, this soul was then split in half and you were sent out into the world to make your soul one again and to fulfill a mission that was set forth. Sounds easy to do right? It is important to remember that twin flames were a rarity before, as we did not have the technology back then that we do now. So therefore social media, better travel systems and a total different set of values have brought much more twin flames together!! So they are not as rare as others try to make out they are. The other half of your soul will mirror you, so they will bring every single flaw, emotion, wrongdoing and belief you have ever had to the surface and make you become the best version of yourself whether you like it or not. This person will come into your world and turn it upside down and you will become a person you did not know you could be. When you look into your twin flame's eyes, what do you see? Make a list, because that is what you have to work on. When we look at levels of relationships we will see that twin flames are on the highest level possible, so I often refer to it as the ultimate love. Then soul mates come behind them along with karmic relationships, we will look at all of these later on. We all know that a twin flame can not be a sibling, parent or related to you in any way by blood for want of a better word! They are not always romantic relationships, it is ok to be just friends with your twin flame, carry out your mission and support one another. You will know which type of relationship that you are meant to him with them. When you first meet your twin flame, you will have the feeling that this person is familiar to you, that is of course if this is not the first time you have incarnated together, if that is the case you will mostly just feel an unexplainable connection with them. Many say that they have dreamt about their twin flame, realizing it when they meet them for the first time. The likelihood of it is you will come from different cultures, have totally different beliefs, age gaps are common, different backgrounds and can be the same or the opposite sex, you will however have had similar happenings in your life, like take for instance my twin flame and I, I am older by 3 years, but both of our grandfathers died at the same time, same day in fact, so as you get to know one another these things will become more apparent! Numbers and signs will become very important to you, they will give you messages on how to move forward. Pay close attention to your dreams as you will also be shown the way as your dreams are accessed by you higher self. More often than not you will meet your twin flame when one or both of you were in other relationships and not available. It’s likely that you met when you were not even looking to find someone. It hits you like a bolt out of the blue. One of you will be more awakened than the other, what this means is that you will have a better understanding of who you are to each other. I have discovered that one of you is the leader and the other is the sleeper, the runner and chaser as it is more commonly known. Why I prefer Leader and Sleeper Leader ~ Well it seems to me that when you think about the word chaser, it means to run after or some might even say stalk, that is not truly what we do, we lead, we show our twin flame the way. We do not run after him/her so I felt the word leader was more appropriate here. Sleeper ~ This one is pretty simple, it just means that your twin flame is not awakened yet so he/she is sleeping! This relationship or connection will wax and wane, push and pull and you will experience extreme highs and super lows. No one in your life be that family or friends will understand this and you will be told that you are crazy for pursuing this person, and almost always be told to move on to someone more suitable. You will have an unconditional love for your partner that is unrivaled!! Your partner may also do things that would be a deal breaker with anyone else but somehow you find a way to forgive or understand the reasoning behind this behavior or bad habits. These are all lessons you will learn, this can for sure be a harsh awakening process, with many twists and turns. Ultimately you will have a longing to be with this person no matter what! You will not feel complete without them in your life. Then of course the universe asks you to be independent from them and show how you can live without them and do not need to rely on them, so you would almost need a degree in twin flames to figure out some of what is thrown at you! It is my belief that there are not particular stages to this relationship, like bubble love, ascension, personally I think that is bullshit, that is for people who live in 5d not 3d. One of the main reasons why I want to help others navigate through this journey is because of the ridiculous things I see on the internet. What I do believe however is that there are phases, like when you meet, when you separate, when you search, when you want to give up and when you reunite. So much easier to understand this way. Relationships like this are hard to understand so I hope that I can make is easier for you and of course help you get to union because that along with learning about who we are and who we need to be is the aim, but always remember that reuniting comes from within. Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary ©Carol Mary 2018. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner |
Carol Mary ~AuthorInformational Articles for Twin Flames, things you must know on your road to reunion. Archives
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