Numerology and Twin Flame birthdates… the “union” number we can call it.
Introduction Ok we all understand the significance of 11:11 a bit better now so you might be asking yourself are there any other significant numbers I should be aware of. In numerology the numbers 1 through 9 and also 11, 22, and 33 have meaning. So let’s look at the meaning behind them as it would relate to your and your twin flames birthdays and adding them together and coming to a single digit of 1 through 9 or one of the master numbers 11, 22, or 33 Let’s use the following as an example: 1/15/1981 and 3/16/1974 Lets take for instance the first birthdate 1/15/1981 - 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 26 some choose to add it this way, 1 + 15 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 35, either way you will still come up with the life path number 8. Birthday # 1 adds up to 26 or 35 so break it down to 2+6 = 8 or 3 + 5 = 8 Birthday #2 is 31 or 40 so break it down to 3+1 = 4 or 4+0 = 4 8 (birthday #1) +4 (birthday #2) = 12 and then add the 1 & 2 together which equals 3 (vibration of the two twin flame life paths together) So you would look up the meaning of 3 in numerology and get the general idea of the energy of what your twin flame relationship might be in what you might experience together in union. Though there really is no “union” number for twin flames in numerology we’ll just call it that to make it easier to grasp the concept of this. This being said of course their own personal life paths of 8 and 4 also flow into this connection and influence it in their own way. You can look that up on your own for your own curiosity. To see how your personal life path may influence your union number. So let’s look at the numbers 1 through 9 plus 11, 22 and 33 in general in terms of how I’ve explained it above. If you follow the example as I explained above with your birthday and the birthday of your twin flame and it equals one of the numbers I’ve already mentioned let’s see what the vibration would be when you are together. This “union number” won’t explain your possible mission together, remember your own individual life path has influence on this number as well, so maybe being in union with your twin flame may be just that you love and support each other while fulfilling your own individual life path goals and that love between you just raises the vibration of the energy of this planet so others will be helped and healed because of the two of you being together. The Numbers Number 1 – The energy of the 1 is intensely active, full of determination, self-awareness, drive, and vigor. It’s about success and striving to reach ideals and goals. Courageous, forceful, the state of perpetual motion. Thinking, planning, exploring, mental action. Also being loving, caring and very supportive to each other, while you each pursue your own goals in life is key with this #1 energy, showing disapproval or lack of support will turn the connection sour quickly. So work towards always keeping things from getting too routine over a long period of time. Some routine is fine of course but bring in some freshness to the relationship with new activities, especially mental activities (physical is fine too) this will keep the union stimulated and growing. The lesson for number 1 – learning to leave the negative behind and grow and change from it, through the struggle comes the glory in other words. Stay in the present moving towards the future, do not cling to the past. Keeping the vibration high – Be willing to be there for each other no matter what rough patches may come your way. This is an energy that likes to take charge, and if one of you has to step up and do that so be it, if change is needed. Learn to balance who takes the reins in various areas of your life together and all shall be good. Allow for a love of life and each other to always be at the forefront of your relationship, not who else tries to get in the way. Love is all that matters, no matter the issue. And both of you are strong enough to do it with a caring, loving, supportive heart and soul. Be in the world but not of it for it is only the two of you that matters. Number 2 – The energy of this number is the vibration of duality- “the two heads/hearts is better than one” principle to coin a phrase if you will. Patience, supporting, understanding, cooperation, balance. Calming, peaceful, not stagnant just gentle and at peace. Supporting each other and allowing each other to be themselves without being passive or neglecting your own goals and purpose in life. The lesson for the number 2 – Not to put the other first so much that you neglect yourself in the process. Not to lose yourself in the relationship and forget who you are. It is ok to compromise but not to the fault where there is a passive energy where one always does the giving and the other just accepts it as their role. Be careful to not be too overly affectionate for you will show yourself as needy. Keeping the vibration high – loving and having compassion for each other and the world around you, emotionally supportive and receptive to change and adaptability are key. Be sensitive but not passive to each other, strongly supportive but gently there for each other. Number 3 – The energy of this number is about enthusiasm, bubbling with happiness and light. It’s all about what’s new! Freshness, discovery, and choices galore. Creative expression of yourselves and what an imaginative, fun pair you are. You love to express to the world who you are as a couple but also as individuals to each other and you lovingly accept each other no matter what. The lesson for the 3 – focus on the present moments, don’t let the past drag you back and don’t project too far into the future. Focus on the now. Live in joy and gratitude. Learn to deal with problems in playful ways, allow the inner child its expression and learn to be lighthearted but don’t spread yourselves too thin either for the relationship will lose it’s beauty if you don’t make time to be with one another for you may constantly be seeking new adventures together. This being said, take time for quiet moments together devoting yourselves to one another to keep your relationship strong, and vibrant. But don’t become selfish with your love for one another either. Be out in the world but take quiet time together – balance always. Keeping the vibration high – humour, wit and fun with a childlike wonder at how the world and each other work. Number 4 – The energy of this number is all about stability, practicality, and following rules and structure, perseverance, methodical patterns, forming, and reforming. A grounded energy The lesson for this energy – don’t be too rigid in your structure, and cause routine to rule the roost. Learn to live outside the narrowness of life, colour outside the lines, get out of the box as it were and learn life is not in structure and routine all the time but life is those moments that throw you for a loop and shake you up, whether you create that yourself or somehow it shows up out of the blue. Learn that it is ok to dream a little, live bigger etc. Keeping the vibration high- release fears, learn to plan but be relaxed enough so that when things happen you don’t expect, you just take it in stride just do the best to maintain status quo and be calm as possible. Number 5 – The energy of this number is all about changes. Like the 1 it is all about motion but constant motion, always changing and flowing. Impulsive, magnetic, changing and adapting. The lesson for this energy – while change is good, moderation is best. Learn from each other’s mistakes and learn to establish solid patterns (like that of the 4) in order to have a good life together. Learn to let some freedom in once the patterns are set. Keeping the vibration high – allowing each other to follow your chosen life path mission and helping change the world you life in. Allow each other a bit of time to develop chosen talents, follow interests and passions, all the while effectively communicating and supporting each other in loving and caring ways, not smothering one another. Number 6 – The energy of this number is all about love. Romance, passion, union, supporting and harmony. The lesson for this energy is that of unconditional love for self and ultimately for twin. To listen to the guidance the heart gives and to not give love without having an overflow of it to offer to someone else, for love cannot flow from an empty well. Keeping the vibration high – learning to love nurture and serve others and learn to love and care for self first before that. Self love and self esteem are vital if your union is to be strong and for you to be able to be strong for each other and the others in your world. Number 7 – The energy of this number is all about perfecting the inner selves, inner seeing, and deep spiritual understanding. The lesson for this energy is two fold – do not take perfection to extremes, and learn to love and be affectionate by reaching out to each other with no expectations but offering loving support (even if you can’t help) just to be there to love, and support each other – the vibe of NO MATTER WHAT we are all that matters. Keeping the vibration high – seeking higher understanding, engaging in philosophical thinking and developing wisdom – via meditation and spiritual pursuits.. growing the soul in other words. Number 8 – The energy of this number is methodical thought, planning, being intensely active and harnessing power and vision and gaining mental strength from it to take necessarily action- personal power. Live your missions so that each of you come together as a whole to help humanity. The lesson for this energy is to learn the correct use of this personal power, and don’t get all ego driven and forget you have each other to support one another through living your missions. Learning to be a strong authentic being without intimidating others. Keeping the vibration high – learning to keep the energy strong and positive, and focus on the greater good, and not to get caught up in the burdens that may sometimes come along, just realize they are part of the journey to becoming the most authentic being each of you can be. Learning to work with integrity combined with spiritual wisdom will create the success and bring unusual and fortuitous opportunities. Number 9 – The energy of this number is about completion, clearing, freeing up binds from that of the past, in preparation for a new cycle of growth to come. Learning how all the work you’ve done leads to helping the planet and enhance the lives of others. It is an intense emotional energy and it is about transformation. The lesson for this energy is to learn forgiveness, acceptance, generosity, and detachment. The non ego based, living on the energy of unconditional love, and acceptance. Being willing to wear your hearts on your sleeves and let go of the “labels” and just be what you are… together. Be willing to share your journey with others and what you’ve learned about life, love and so on as a twin flame, however it is meant to be shared, so that you improve the lives of others, not just other twin flames, but other people in general. Even if other people you come in contact with are not twin flames, you can let go of the label and just be a guide for others… together. Keeping the vibration high – understanding there is more than what you see on the surface, stop the judgements and learn to enjoy the beauty of life and what it offers you. Surrender to the fact you can’t heal or help everyone but that those who are graced by your presence will be shifted and changed in some way. Number 11 – The energy of this number is one of the master numbers, the number 2 amplified but yet different but still holds some of the qualities of the 2 . This is the number of the spiritual messengers. This tends to come with great difficulty in reaching this point of spiritual enlightenment due to the struggles in life that have come your way, which of course you asked for because you needed them to make you stronger. This of course does not mean you are to deliver messages of spirit to others. What this is saying about your union energy is that there is a more spiritual overtone to your connection between you and your twin flame so that you know this goes beyond the physical existence. The lesson of the energy is that you teeter on the brink of self destruction because you can tend to get caught up in the fear and doubts and problems from your past you dragged with you that you haven’t released yet. The key is to allow for each other to go through this growth and be there to support each other through it. You need to be in higher vibrations so that you can heed to the spiritual guidance you receive. You are to be leaders for each other as well as use your profound gifts to nurture one another’s growth. Keeping the vibration high – Working together to communicate well, meditate together to build your bond, and also to give each other the space needed to grow and pursue individual healing from life’s lessons. Number 22 – The energy of this number is also a master number, the number 4 amplified – that of the master builder and organizer. Working for the good of all, using spiritual wisdom to help others and themselves to do big things, create big ideas and have big ideals. Giving inspiration how to meld the physical world and mental worlds with that of spiritual and philosophical worlds to create a balance and essentially affect change on all levels in a new way. The lesson of this energy is taking on big ideas and such you get overwhelmed when you take on so much, especially if there are many obstacles, often neglecting yourselves and therefore not staying grounded. There must be balance. Keeping the vibration high – making sure you have time together and time for yourself even if it means scheduling it in amongst all your busy lives. Or learning to say no to things or put them on the back burner so that you nurture what is needed for yourself and both of you. Number 33 - The energy of this number is the master number, the number 6 amplified, that of the master teacher of energies of love – unconditional love. Working for the good of all, influencing the energy of the planet in selfless service. The lesson of this energy – much like that of the number 6, in order to be of selfless service one and both of you must have strong authentic self love and strong self esteem. Don’t allow for yourselves to be so giving you end up taking on others energy which will drag you down into places you will not be happy with. Keeping the vibration high – learning to listen and help without judgement and also practicing empathy and being sympathetic but don’t always lose yourself in this so much that you feel you have to help everyone. Not all can be aided by your beautiful guidance, and this you must realize. Working for others is a sacrifice but don’t become a martyr losing yourself in the process for the sake of others. You can be everything to everyone. You need to teach that others also must be responsible for their own stuff and seek the lessons and growth from it, for you are not here to save them, merely only be a guide to them. Show them they have work to do you are just here to provide direction. © Carol Mary 2016
He hit her again, but somehow she knew this time would be different. She ran to her car, a storm was brewing. Very fitting.
Her adrenaline was pumping through her veins, blood dripping, sweat from every pore as the snow began to fall. She reached the hospital, the same hospital that believed her when she said she fell off a ladder, never asked how her bones where broken, quietly stitched her up again. This time she calmly said I need a safe place to stay. Her outward calm was hiding a volcano burning in her, ready to explode. She lifted her bruised chin and held it high. She followed a Woman's Advocate through a twisted winding route to a safe house, careful not be followed. After hours of paperwork she was finally left alone. The adrenaline had wore off and every muscle in her body hurt. The shelter gave her a room with a blanket and a thread worn towel. She took a shower to wash away the blood, the shame and the horror of the day, of her life. She left with nothing but the torn bloody clothes she was wearing. She could not put those back on. She walked back to her room in the thread worn towel. Her middle class life was now changed. She had nothing. She knew it would be a long hard road, that it would be so easy to go back to her old life of financial comfort. But she knew she need to feel safe. Tonight she would sleep naked in a strange room. She would cocoon herself in a worn blanket. She knew the only way out was to become the beautiful strong butterfly she was meant to be. Michelle - guest blogger © Carol Mary 2016 |
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