Hi All, I hope that you are all doing well during the current climate, I do know that we are living in extraordinary times and that many of us have to try and embrace what we can when we can. Since March things have been very uncertain for the most of the world’s population, however they have been uncertain for Twin Flames for a lot longer than that so if you think you do not have this, you do, you have got this, today is no different to a day in February when you did not see what is coming. I think that the feeling of uncertainty allows us to muddy the waters when it comes to our Twin Flame journey. How can you love someone this much and not know that you are going to have a future together, why on earth would this happen and what are you meant to do so that you know you are going to be in union with this person who has turned your whole life upside down. The anxiety you feel because “oh no” you are going to lose them because they would act differently if they felt what you felt. If they love you how you love them, they would never treat you this way, they would always make contact. The biggest myth on the Twin Flame journey is that your Twin Flame will not treat you badly, that they will always make contact with you and if they love you they would never say or do anything that hurts you. This is huge, you need to realize that they are human too, they make mistakes just like you do and that they are called the sleeper because they are not awakened to who you are to them so you just can not expect them to do as you do, not yet anyway. A true leader will lead their Twin Flame home to them, they will not whine and cry about what their other half is not doing quite frankly because they are too busy working on themselves and changing their old way of being, stepping in their power and truth. What have you been doing? If you have been wallowing in self pity, if you can not understand what is going on with your journey I need to hear from you. Book in for a consultation that will give you all the tools you need to navigate those muddy waters. Are you being taken for granted? So now that we have that out of the way I had a thought about how leader Twin Flames are super scared to ignore their Twin Flame so it does seem that you teach them how to take you for granted or only talk to you when it suits them. I have a solution for that and it may shock you. There are times when you actually need to ignore your sleeper Twin Flame, yes I said ignore and yes I am very serious. Practiced Ignoring Our beloved sleeper Twin Flame can pick and choose when to talk to us but we are meant to jump as soon as they contact us and answer, so as the leader Twin Flame what are you teaching them when they do that? You are showing your Twin Flame that:
The big question of course is when do you ignore and when do you answer and this varies but one thing you should never do is answer them out of fear that if you do not they will never text you again. That is just not true. I know that many feel forgotten about when they do not hear from their sleeper however I have it on very good authority that they really do miss you just as much. They just show it the totally wrong way. You do not need to answer your Twin Flame the very second that they call, text or email you. You most certainly do not need to sit and wait to hear from them either, you can not put your life on hold or dwell on their lack of contact. You have your own life too and your time is priceless so do not give in to your need to hear from them. Expectations, you should not expect to hear from your Twin Flame in the same token and yes I know it is confusing but how do you teach a child to break their bad habits?!? Your must help your sleeper to break this bad habit too. Practiced ignoring also means that you ignore certain things that they say to you, like bouts of self pity, once you have entertained this once or twice you need to speak up and say no I am not listening to this anymore. I do know that some Twin Flames allow their counterpart to be disrespectful to you. Do not ever be scared to shut a conversation down with them and show them that you are not going to be treated badly. Something that will work for this is saying that you will speak to them when they show you the respect you deserve, then ignore, do not answer anymore or engage with them, allow them to think about their behavior. Repetitive Contact
Something that you must never do is contact your Twin Flame over and over and over without hearing from them because that is stalker material right there and you do not want to be that person ever! So if this is something that you do, if this is needy you, knock it off right away because it will push your Twin Flame even further away from you than you ever thought it would. Half way method. I know you are wondering what I mean by this, so you text your Twin Flame on a Monday and you do not hear from them until the following Monday, that is 7 days since you last heard from them so you do not answer them for 3 and a half days. Allow them to check their phone for you. Show yourself that you deserve better. Sleeper check in. Oh yes there is such a thing, have you ever gotten random contact and been very surprised because you have not heard from them in forever. Well that is your sleeper Twin Flame checking in on you. If you are constantly sending them messages, posting to social media, allowing them to know that you are ok but when they do not have that they will have to message you to check in on you, now I am not telling you to get rid of your social media just do not always make things so easy for them. Finally I hope that you are doing well and staying healthy. If you have any questions about this article please feel free to send me along an email to [email protected]. As many of us are somewhat bored, stuck at home working and the only time we get out is for a walk, why not make someone's day and also help out a person who may be struggling. Have you all noticed a growing trend? People around the world are painting rocks and randomly putting them around their parks and beaches for other people to pick up and enjoy. We are inviting all creatives to spread the love. Over the next several months there will be a monthly drawing. Show us your prettiest painted rocks with the note in sharpie pen, #reunitingcomesfromwithin on the back. Each time you paint a rock send us a message or email to [email protected] along with your address. Your name will be entered into a drawing for a little gift from myself Carol Mary. Now make sure you tuck those rocks around your town so that others can enjoy them! Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.” ~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct messages or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2020. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner
AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022