The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year&How Do You Show Love Unconditionally?Hi All, December is finally upon us and we have reached the last month of this magical year. I am sure there have been many ups and downs for you all, but how did you deal with what was thrown at you? That is what really matters especially when you are a Twin Flame. So many Twin Flames react out of ego instead of unconditional love, which do you do and how do you do it? Did you know that being a Twin Flame is about breaking the mould, learning a new set of beliefs and letting go of your conditioned beliefs? Looking at life in a new light, seeing things in a very different way and acting out of unconditional love for not only your Twin Flame but for every one you come across in life! Are you the type of person to judge others, when you in reality have no idea what you are talking about because you are not that person? Did you put yourself in their shoes before you went and wrote about them, before you turned into “that gossip”? There is a saying that empty vessels make the most noise, that is oh so very true. If you are happy, within yourself, if you know you are doing a good job in life, if you do not speak badly of others, you are not judgmental, have found your inner peace, you will not need to project “noise” on others or towards others. When you are fulfilled there is no need for you to worry about what others are doing because you know you are living your life to the best of your ability. Are you an empty vessel or a full vessel? Becoming fulfilled within yourself is a very fundamental value to have especially when you are a Twin Flame. To act out of unconditional love and have respect for what others do and how they do it. I believe only true Twin Flames possess this. Food For Thought This week I came across a few articles that I would like to talk about, the reason for talking about them is to give you examples of how we as Twin Flames can become more understanding people, how we treat others is very important. The first one was about a waiter, this person worked in the U.S, where I believe that you are paid very little, something like $2 per hour. He was a hard worker, always polite, loved his job, and it showed because of how he acted towards others and the compliments he always got. One night while he was working, a couple came in and he did a very good job of taking care of them, this couple did not tip him because he was gay and they took great offence to this. Even made a comment on the receipt about his sexuality, which had nothing at all to do with how he treated them. This receipt found it’s way onto social media. The following day a man went to that very same restaurant, asked for that waiter, ordered only a Coke and tipped that young man $500. That was an act of unconditional love. What followed this was not! This waiter was fired from his job, the company he worked for wanted to protect their customers. Why? Because the young waiter took to social media and shared what was written on the receipt to show the world what happened. He did black out the names of the offenders. The company he worked for said it was against company policy to post to social media, this was only said 4 days after he was fired, when the local media did a TV report on it, it had nothing to do with the fact that they lost 2 “valuable customers” because of their gay waiter! Who are you? the waiter, the man who gave the large tip, the couple who wrote an offensive comment or the restaurant owner? It is very important to also note that your sexuality does not define you. The second article I came across was about a lady who was walking home from work, it was a cold and miserable day. Raining pretty hard. When a man who remained nameless, driving a more expensive car, took the time to roll down his window and scream obscenities at this woman, who was minding her own business and just trying to get home and out of the weather. His exact words were “ you fucking lazy fat pig why don't you learn to walk a little faster maybe you'll lose some weight. Try going on a diet” then he made pig and mooing (cow) sounds at her and threw trash at her from his car window. Why on earth was it necessary for him to do this to another person? I am pretty sure that lady cried all the way home. When you are unkind to others, what does that say about you? What do your actions say about you? The third article is about a young pregnant lady, she was at the dentist office with her children, it was a particularly busy day there, so there was no seat for them in the waiting room. There was a man, a woman both of these people had their children with them and a teenager waiting. The lady stood by the door, after checking in. Now she was heavily pregnant about 8 months I believe. 30 minutes passed and finally the male was called to the back with his children. The pregnant lady went to sit down and the woman who was now sitting next to her said: “Wow I can not believe he did not get up and let you sit down”, the lady did not reply to her, but my thoughts were, why could the female, not have gotten up herself to let her sit down? Is this really the world we live in today, where people have a warped sense of morals? Which person are you? That brings me to the final article, this was written by someone who says they are a Twin Flame, it was not something that I found but rather send to me by 4 different people. This article was the embodiment of conditioned beliefs and was not showing unconditional love for anyone. There was so much hurt projected in this article, so much pain, “hurt people hurt people”. I would now like to reach out to the writer and let them know if they need someone to talk to, to please send me an email. I do know that you read all of my articles as you have mentioned them more than once in yours. So I know you will see this! I have used all of the above examples to make a point to as many Twin Flames as possible, Twin Flames are here on this earth to make a difference, to show others how to act out of unconditional love, to show kindness, to show peaceful solutions, to never judge another person for you do not know what they are going through. All of the hurts and lessons that you have gone through are to teach you how to become that strong person, that through love can help others. If you find that you are becoming bitter, go out and do something good for another person, do not go out and hurt others. That for sure is not the Twin Flame way. Change how you view things Change your perspective on life, make that what you try your best to do this month. Using your mind to see people for who they are and why they act how they do. Do you talk the talk or actually walk the walk? How about you pay it forward this Christmas? Christmas can be a very lonely time, as a Twin Flame on your journey to union you are no exception to that feeling, so this year how about you become a person who acts out of unconditional love and pay it forward to someone else who is alone. Go visit them, take some food, sit down and have a talk with them. Take a chance, make a change, unite!! ~ Carol Mary Lastly Lastly, as this year comes to a close I think it’s time we took some moments to reflect in hindsight as to how far we have or haven’t come in our journey with our twin flame this year and also in our lives in general. Where does one begin to see when you’re just repeating cycles over and over again. Are you learning anything ? If you’re not time to give this some serious consideration. The new year is fast approaching and do you want to be sitting here where you are just like you have done this year? If the answer is no, you really should go ahead and contact me and book that consultation that you have been putting off for far too long. Read on for this month's energy report! On A Final Note:
I would like to wish you all a peaceful season and I am looking forward to hearing from more of you in the new year. Thank you to all of you who have supported me throughout this year, your kindness and love has always meant a lot to me!! This week it was abruptly brought to my attention that some people really do expect that I should do the work I do for free. I do not go into your place of work with a negative attitude expecting you to work for free, so do not enter my place of work and expect me to do it for free. Expectation can lead to disappointment, so if you are bitter towards me because I will not do something for you, or will not give you the answer you need to hear, maybe you need to take a look at how you asked for it or what you are expecting to hear. Like I said earlier hurt people hurt people!! My feelings however will not be hurt by your anger towards me because I understand unconditional love, I will show you that love by not answering your email until you get the point that you can not speak to or treat people like crap and still get what you want, unconditional love with respect just saying! Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2018. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner.
AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022