Hi All, I hope you all had a good Christmas and that is was a happy and peaceful one. As always us Twin Flames are busy bees preparing for union yes?? I am so very happy to announce a Twin Flame engagement. Read all the way to the end to find out about that one!! Proud Twin Flame Do you know why there are so little people out there that do not understand the true dynamic of a twin flame relationship, I am not just talking about the 5d aspect, your souls, I am talking about in the here and now? Is this something that you are proud of, being a twin flame? Do you hide who you truly feel you are from others? When I asked that question to a group of Twin Flames, many felt that they were embarrassed to tell people that they were a Twin Flame as they felt that people just would not understand and some said that when they try to describe their feeling towards their beloved, they were told to let that person go because it was unhealthy. Very few said that they would talk to others about it but the ones that did only some said that there was little support for them. However, how do you explain something to others that you do not even fully understand yourself. The first step is of course to accept who you are and know that not everyone believes in a love like this, so pick your battles wisely. I do know that one day Twin Flames will become more mainstream but for now I saw that many of you valued the privacy and hoped that it would not be in the media ever, I do agree with that somewhat but the world is more accepting than we give it credit for. Try to fully understand who you are, accept yourself and choose your happiness, the rest will fall into place for you. Hopefully one day people will be less quick to judge and become more understanding and that will only come with education. Having said that be wary of some of the information you are seeing not always what it seems. First Mention I remember back to when I first mention Twin Flames to mine, he said what are you talking about, so I explained to him how I felt that we were connected at a soul level as I felt some of what he was feeling etc, he laughed and said “I do not believe in that”. Well he does now (laughs). He eventually admitted that he felt the same way I did, saw many signs and knew there was no possible way there was not a higher reason we met and are now in union. Be very careful on the time to choose to tell your Twin Flame who he or she are to you. I have known some to head for the hills, thinking you have lost it. Insecure or No?
Insecure people have no place in your life right now. Whether that is your friends, co-workers or even your spouse. If you have feelings of insecurity and lacking confidence in building trusting relationships I can help with that. This is a good thing because even with insecurities either from others or from within you, the moon’s energy carries in it that of deal with issues and move forward. You may even have an ability to be somewhat persuasive too, getting others to doing things for you (without asking or telling them, though you might like to but please please do not be bossy!) If this insecurity relates to your twin flame, then it is time to get to work on this, as the work you do will affect your Twin Flame and help them to grow also. You need to be courageous and self confident, daring and independent but also patient and willing now and you’ll win people over with that, not in an egotistical way but showing them you just have a knack for being good with people. If you’re uncomfortable in your career or with your current job position, this moon energy bodes well for considering change. Don’t leap with spontaneity but plan accordingly and it can work out very well for you. Craft time - A wish/dream box for 2018 Rather than New Year's’ resolutions which we all tend to break or not even bother with why not create a beautiful and motivational tool that can remind you of what you wish to create for yourself and your life next year. Get yourself something like a sturdy cardboard box (like a photo or memory box) and your craft tools (paints, glitter glue, glitter, ribbon, foam stickers etc) make something that you can use over and over again every year. Decorate the box with positive words about your goals and dreams. Gather items/tokens that relate to the goals you wish to create and have come true. Example - a fork if you want to cook more or eat better, a bookmark if you want to read more, things meaningful to you about your twin flame and what union means for you and so on. Fill the box up with that and also use a small jar with small pieces of paper that have specific wishes and dreams related to that goal or goals if you have multiple dreams you’re looking to create for 2019. Now make sure you can open the box as you may wish to add things for the first couple of months when they come to you. Then set it somewhere you’ll see it to remind you of those things, At the end of 2018 you can go through the jar over the Christmas to New Year break and see what did come true - that you can set aside and maybe make a memory book (using a photo album) to help you relive the events and feel joy and happiness. The things that didn’t happen, put back in the jar and come up with strategies to approach making them happen in 2019 that were and are different than you chose to do in 2018. ****Also I would like for you to keep a list of the wishes and dreams you put in the jar and read them to yourself in the morning and at night in the way I mentioned in the blog where we discussed doing gratitude in a new way: Take 1 of those desires on your list and use it as a gratitude journal entry as described in the blog link and do it for 30 days until it becomes such a part of your mindset that it already feels real. By the way your mind doesn’t know the difference between the real and imagined so basically this is a matter of thinking called BELIEVE IT SO NOW I CAN SEE IT! Essentially you’re creating the mindset that you already living it so the universe has no choice but to bring it to you. This is the law of attraction in action because as you practice this you’ll raise your vibration and begin to attract the things/people etc you need to make that happen. Learn to trust the process and have ultimate faith the universe. Trust begins within you. Faith in knowing that what you’re asking for will happen come from repetition because that changes how your brain thinks, which changes how your emotions work as well. Remember having negative things come up doesn’t make you a bad person nor does it make your life bad, it simply means you’re being shown it’s time to change how you think and how you do things. Knowing there are steps to take to make things happen is also good. If you can’t figure out those things, confide in a friend who supports you in the changes you wish to make and the new world you desire to create for yourself. Be sure they are a trustworthy friend. The Kind Of News I Love Hearing!! Some good news for you all and some that should uplift those of you who are in separation, you can get to union, you can do this, today I learnt that one of my very first clients is now engaged. Loretta began working with me about 3 years ago now, we have since become great friends and I guide her through her hard times, as she does for me. It was so exciting for me to hear that they were finally engaged and ready to take that next step towards a happier life together. When I think back at where they both were when we first began work, there was a mountain but within a year they were living together. Hard work on the right things does pay off. Neither of them have had an easy road of it but at long last happy times for this wonderful couple, congratulations to Loretta and Shawn. You can read their story here! You too can get to this point, contact me today to find out how and what you need to do!! Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary Much Love Carol Mary xx ©Carol Mary 2017. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner
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AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022