Are you a Twin Flame ~ Find Out NowA twin flame is the soul’s other half, predestined by the Universe many incarnations ago. Up until recently, most twin flames did not incarnate at the same time, but many metaphysical changes have occurred and the Universe has deemed them ready to reunite to complete missions of love and offer hope to others in desperate situations. These are very special people. Twin flames are not as rare as many will try to tell you.
So how do you know if you have found your twin flame… it has been said that twin flames are similar to soul mates, this is a common mistake made by many, they are on a much higher level than soul mates, this is the ultimate understanding and connection one human being can have to another!! My aim is to make this as easy for you to understand as possible. I have seen many flowery terms used in relation to twins, you will not find any of that here… Firstly your twin flame cannot be a sibling, parent or relative, however having said that they are not always romantic relationships either! Have you been feeling that you have been missing something your entire life?? Searching for something you can not find?? Always changing jobs, cars, homes and nothing every seems right until you meet this one person and finally that missing piece is there. Then I believe you may have met your twin flame!! Mostly I hear the term meeting my twin flame was like coming home, and yes this is correct as you will have such strong feelings for this person, you may have felt like you dreamed about them your whole life. You will have instant recognition, feel like you have known this person your whole life and you may not have even met them in person at this stage. You may be of different ages. Your twin can be as much as 10 years younger than you, the same or opposite sex, vastly different backgrounds, similar or entirely divergent religions or cultures, but you feel an incredible oneness with this person. From my research many will have illnesses and feel the others emotions even when you are not near each other or even communication (commonly when in what I like to call the separation phase). Almost always one of you will be more aware or awakened than the other. This is where the runner/chaser dynamic comes into force (I will explain all of this further on). You will have an unconditional love for your partner that is unrivaled!! Your partner may also do things that would be a deal breaker with anyone else but somehow you find a way to forgive or understand the reasoning behind this behavior or bad habits. These are all lessons you will learn, this can for sure be a harsh awakening process, with many twists and turns. Ultimately you will have a longing to be with this person no matter what! You will not feel complete without them in your life More often than not you will meet your twinflame when one or both of you were in other relationships and not available. It’s likely that you met when you were not even looking to find someone. It hits you like a bolt out of the blue. This relationship or connection will wax and wane, push and pull and you will experience extreme highs and super lows. No one in your life be that family or friends will understand this and you will be told that you are crazy for pursuing this person, and almost always be told to move on to someone more suitable. During the time from meeting your twin you will experience great growth, you will become the person you were meant to be, through suffering you will find hope. I have also discovered that many have lost things of great importance to them and as a result of this become very humble. You will figure out that any previous relationship pales in compassion to this one, but almost always will have taught you lessons and prepared you for this ultimate relationship. I hear you ask how do I know for sure I have met my twin? I will outline some common factors below to help you out, but the only true way to know is to have a twin flame confirmation reading.
©Carol Mary 2016. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner
Trust, there we go with that loaded word that gets thrown around all too often, we use it inappropriately in our everyday lives. Trust is the belief that someone is reliable, honest and good, it is also used in relationships, I trust my partner, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend… I believe the first people we trust in our life are our parents as they are the ones we look to for everything at a young age, this is blind trust, you do not look for flaws in this, it is growing throughout life that makes us as humans untrusting. Trust is an emotion, it a belief that one has in another. So let's tackle the subject of trust when it comes to love. Do you go into that relationship blind so as to offer the person all of us, or unblinded so that we will always look for some reason for the relationship to fail? Can you remember the first times someone broke your trust, I can and it hurt but it also taught me a lesson to trust in someone but not fully, how do you overcome this? They say the basis to any good relationship is communication, to be freely able to be the person you are, to express yourself, this is always number one on my list, if you can not talk to your lover about everything, share your secrets then there is no relationship, if you feel the need to hide things because of disapproval then there is no relationship, this is something that we learn from one another...this is something that can be work on with the right person…(ask me for tips on this) So the number one thing on my list is honest, open communication Understanding, having that with a life partner can help you both in the most difficult of situations, being able to talk about any issue that will arise within your relationship, to have the ability to hear what is not being said... Number 2 is empathy Listening to what the other wants...yes that can be said to be communication also...but how many of you really listen to what is being said, I find many are just thinking of the next things that needs to be said instead of actually listening to what the other is saying! Number 3 is the ability to listen to one another Jealousy, ok let's face it all of us get jealous, when in your eyes a beautiful woman smiles at your love interest what is the first thing many of us do...we accuse them of checking her out when in fact a friendly smile can mean nothing, instead try saying to your partner that lady is very pretty, show that you are secure with another woman smiling or being friendly with your man/woman, embrace that others may find them attractive and be happy in the knowledge that they choose to be with you. I have also found through my work that the more accusing you are the more likely your partner is to cheat! Why is that I hear you ask? Well I am being accused anyway therefore I might as well! Number 4 reign in that green eyed monster Make time for each other, put away the laptops, tablets and cell phones, and just be together, have fun, laugh, go to dinner, see a movie whatever it is you enjoy doing with each other. While we are on the subject of cell phones, do you need to know who they are texting, what they are saying to another instead trust that they have your best interests at heart. One thing that I find has helped in many relationship is the knowledge that one can look at the others cell if one wanted to, I know the pin but I never have to look as I trust Number five is to make sure you have quality time together Expectation, expecting everyone to be the same and judging others by the lower standards set by the person who once hurt you will lead your relationship to fail. Keep that insecurity in check!! Number six is do not expect everyone to be like a previous person was to you Once again I would like to go back to my earlier questions “Do you go into that relationship blind so as to offer the person all of us, or with eyes wide open so that we will always look for some reason for the relationship to fail?” The answer is go into it with your eyes open but using some of the above tips to enhance and rebuild the trust you may have lost from life or even a previous lover, do not expect everyone to be the same!! These are just some of the many tips I have for rebuilding the trust you may have lost over the years, if you would like help in this area please do not hesitate to connect with me!! This is a harder one to write as many have had their trust broken..let us learn to rebuild that together. I am here to help with this xx ©Carol Mary 2016. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner We have already learned that unconditional love is without limitations, but what does that actually mean? Does it say you have to be a doormat and love this person even when they do things that you dislike or no matter how they make you feel? Falling in love is risky, we take great chances with our feelings and it may mean we can lay our feelings on the line and be hurt and rejected in return!! Firstly you have to love yourself in order to love another without condition!! (We will discuss how to love yourself in my next blog) I believe that this is of great importance when discussing unconditional love as you must be able to know, accept, and forgive your own imperfections in order to do the same for someone else. It is said that unconditional love is when you expect nothing in return for giving your own love, you would lay down your life for this person. You have probably already experienced this in if your life with your parents, children, brothers and sisters!! When it comes to your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, partner, love interest can you say this is true? The real problem with the importance of unconditional love is that it makes us have to face the fact that most of the time we are not unconditionally loving. So how about getting a better understanding of what unconditional love actually means, it means loving with a comprehension of the other person, what makes them tick, not trying to change who they are but being totally accepting of the person that they are!! It is a whole new way of thinking and being! It is being selfless. It is not something that you automatically know when it comes to a love partner. It is something that can be learnt and practiced. You must choose to love unconditionally. Unconditional love is to act with love in in all conditions! Let me go back to the beginning where I ask the question “does it say you have to be a doormat and love this person even when they do things you dislike or no matter how they make you feel?” In answer to this I would have to say No because if you show great love and understanding towards this person and they love you in return this way, the mutual respect your strive to have for each other will be learnt by trial and error. It means comprising, being selfless and having that in return, having a real working partnership, listening to the others needs, accepting and forgiving! We will always do something to hurt the other but learning not to do it again is the key to unconditional love! "Unconditional Love is not the case of being blinded by love but rather the resolution that nothing is more important than love." - Talidari ©Carol Mary 2016. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Love by definition is “an intense feeling of deep affection.” This is correct but it has it limits, love cannot be seen, it can only be felt. Many people are of the belief that it is felt with the heart, but I believe it is more with the mind...otherwise how can we know when we are in love? We think about the person. You think with your mind!
Some love because of how a person looks, this is not love... it is shallow because you have not looked beyond appearance, that is lust. I like how they look therefore I want to have sex with him or her!! So I must be in love! Wrong!! How do you really know when you have fallen in love, truly deeply?? If I were to say you are only in love with the idea of that person, you would argue with me that was not true as you like how they act, how they think, how they make you feel, what they do for you...all I hear is I, me...that is selfish...that is not love, that is your ego, that is you searching for completeness of yourself from another. That love is conditional. What does that mean? In my daily life, I have many people come to me and say I have found the one, the other half of my soul. Upon questioning them on why they believe this, I find that while some have, there are conditions put on this love. Their Beloved has to act or dress in a certain way, has to do whatever you want. What is earned and how much they have in life is of high importance. Yes you may be attracted to him or her but it is not love...you judge who they are, and they eventually become someone you want them to be. Your usual first reaction to their actions is in anger! You want them to change and are constantly on their back about something. They are usually afraid of expressing their true self for fear of your disapproval, that is not love!! So what is unconditional love? Unconditional love is frequently used to describe love between family members, best friends and between others in highly committed relationships. It is true love, without conditions and has no limitations. You fully accept the person, no matter what their failings are. You love them even when something is done that you would not normally approve of. It has no bounds and is unchanging, you cannot take these feelings away even if you want to, and it can at times go against everything you logically think of. It is simply there and unconditional. ©Carol Mary 2016. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner |
AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022