A Time to GrowHi All, What has been going on with you and your twin flame, I see that some of you have been doing much better but that element of giving up is still there. I do know that this journey is not for the faint hearted and can be a huge struggle at times. So what do you do when you do not want to continue anymore? Do you just give up? Do you take a break or do you push through those feelings?? Personally I have done all three, in the end though I was always forced to push through my feelings, work out what I needed to learn and move forward so the smart twin flame continues on because they know at the end the reward far outweighs the pitfalls. Is this something you are aware of? If you are right about now not feeling that this is true then we really do need to talk!! Have you guessed the theme for this week yet? Time to watch for those valuable signs that help us gauge where we are at in our relationship with our twin flame. I do offer a consultation that is very good to show you where you are going wrong but not all can take what they are told. I hear that is not who I am, who are you talking to in that way? OMG this is a joke and what would my reply be to that, you asked me what is going wrong, I tell you and you can not take it then you are not ready to unite and there is a possibility that you never will. If you are not willing to be open to criticism you have at that point turned into your own worst enemy because I will never sugar coat it and you will not unite. I know some will say how could that be true, look around you, are you hanging out in places where there has been no actual unions or are you working with others who have. Who is it best to learn from united twin flames or twin flames who are not united but think they know it all, have a think about that one?? I do have a question for you, I hear this very often my twin flame cheated on me, I ask how is that well they are with another man or woman and I say are you in an exclusive relationship with them. The answer is generally no. So let me tell you, you twin flame is not cheating on you unless you are in an exclusive relationship! Now that leads me to the next thing I am always asked is how could they be with someone else when we are so in love. The true and hurtful answer to that is that your twin flame may not understand your connection to him/her so he/she will not feel that they are doing wrong. I am not asking you to be a saint but think of it this way, if your twin flame is in relationship with someone else that means they are in preparation for you and learning what they need to, to become the best version of themselves. As always to the logical mind that sounds crazy but in my experience it is the only answer that can be given to make sense of it. Summer is here, well the months of summer are but sadly not the hot weather for us here in Ireland. I do notice that many forget about their journey at this time of the year because you are busy doing things out in the better weather, I am going to offer you the following warning on that, these months are just as important as any to forge forward, do not work for 9 months of the year and forget about it for the other 3, this will once more set you back. All of these set backs add up and then it will take longer than the universe has already planned for you to get to union. My favorite place in Ireland is the Cliff’s of Moher (pictured below), I have visited there many times, one such noticeable time was when I decided to just go there and be at one with the ocean and nature. I went for my usual climb and sat looking out at the sea. In the car park right before I left, I said the following “ I have done all I can, I have tried to always be there for you, but from today on, I can no longer wait for you, to talk to me, to know that I am the one for you. When you do know I will be here waiting” I drove off and set on the 3 and a half hour journey home, I had the music up loud so I did not even hear my phone ring, it was him, it was John, after six months of nothing, waiting to hear from him, just a hi would have done, the day I say enough of course he calls, that is what us Irish call Murphy’s law. I laughed and laughed and said if I had known it would be that easy I would have done it sooner. What I did not know at the time was that this period of separation was necessary for us to end our marriages, learn the last we needed to before we could unite, it was about 6 months before we moved in together after that. A good friend reminded me of that yesterday. I have never been good with dates but after we spoke about her visit to the Cliffs, I said oh my it was exactly 5 years ago today. Just a little bit of my story for you. I am also not sure if anyone knows but the photo I use on my website was taken that day also. Are you an extroverted person? Are you an introverted person? Is the universe is calling you to shake things up a little bit, asking people who are normally very outgoing to slow down a little and take stock of the things you have in your life. Be thankful and grateful for all that you are allowed to do and have. For the introverted it is time for you to take one step out of your comfort zone and be a little daring. You will reap rewards for this.
The universe is in need of a better balance and the only way this can be created is if everyone slows up for a minute and think about how you can change your life to be more positive. The level of disrespect that people have for each other is at an all time high at the moment, I have never seen it like this before, it is like no one cares for how they treat others, they feel it is fine to tear them down, that they are better than the next person. Think about who you are, are you a person who brings others down or do you help the rise up to their full potential. Do you gossip about your “friends” yes I use inverted commas because a real friend never does this. So today I ask that you do one nice thing for your neighbor or a friend, create some good karma for yourself. Do you try to one up someone, this is the most annoying trait anyone can have and you are setting yourself up for a fall because if you are one of these people and you start to see everything fall down all around you that is your payback, your karma coming back to you and believe me it will be 10 fold. A wise teacher once said, “It is a fool who takes offense when it is intended, but it is an even greater fool who takes offense when it is not intended.” This is something I firmly believe in and no I am not perfect but really do you ever think someone is telling you this because it is in your best interests to change?? That leads me onto insecurity, so so many of us are insecure with who we are, my tummy is too fat, my thighs too, I am ugly, my arms are too skinny, I do not really think anyone likes me or cares for me. Stop doing that right now, you are perfect just how you are and if you can not change the things that bug you accept them. We do live in a cruel world and the more you criticize yourself you will not see your true beauty. The only ugly people are the ones who are ugly on the inside. Do not be that person. Hence that old saying “Beauty is only skin deep” Do you know your value?? Do you over or underestimate yourself?? Will you look back on life and say, 'I wish I had,' or 'I’m glad I did'? ~ Zig Ziglar Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The same can be said of jealousy, that is not a good trait do not posses it. It serves no purpose only to aggravate you. You know if you start to accuse someone of something chances are after you do they are going to go right ahead and do it, they may as well seeing as they are going to be accused of it. Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary Much Love Carol Mary xx P.s I have a very awesome video for you all to watch, I have called it Rules for Reunion, www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrmqIulX5Hc&t=45s ©Carol Mary 2017. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner
Tir na NogOisín and Niamh Many years ago, there lived a great warrior named Oisín, son of legendary Fionn Mac Cumhaill, MacCool was leader of Fianna – a group of great protectors who guarded High King of Ireland – and each day Oisín and Fianna the green hills of Ireland protecting their king and hunting for dinner. One day, Oisín saw the most beautiful young woman he had ever seen riding on a white stallion. This woman approached him and she told him that she was Niamh of the golden hair. She told him that she had long loved him from afar, but he had not noticed her. Oisín fell instantly in love with her and she invited him to go with her to live in another world. He agreed even though he felt sad to be leaving all of his family and friends behind. He lived very happily with Niamh in Tir na Nog for what he thought was three years, but then he grew sad and homesick. He also had the urge to run but instead he spoke to Niamh about it and she Niamh reluctantly agreed to let him return to visit his family, and lent him her white horse, who would carry him safely there. She warned him not to let his feet to touch Ireland’s soil. When Oisin arrived in Ireland, he did not recognise it. He couldn’t find any sign of his home, his family or friends. He saw some men struggling to remove a boulder from a field, and went to help them. Through chatting to them, he realised that three hundred years had passed while he had been with Niamh in Tir na Nog. Shocked, he slipped and fell from his saddle as he leaned over to haul up the rock. Instantly as his feet touched the earth, he was transformed into a very old man, and died. What was the moral of that story and how is it related to twin flames? Moral My take on it is, when you met your twin flame you instantly fall in love, you would follow them to the ends of the earth but a time will come where you have to be parted so lessons can be learnt. Oisin was clearly the less enlightened twin, he was the one who wanted to leave, could not be happy until he knew that he did not want to be with his family anymore and the lesson that was learnt by him was he should have stayed where he was because in the end it lead to his death (death meaning of the relationship). He should have trusted Niamh when she told him it was not a good idea to go. As a result Oisin and Niamh had to go through another lifetime before they could be united. Interesting huh? Have you been drawn to any folklore stories recently, if you have then the universe is needing you to figure out the lesson from that and much of this will be presented to us on the 9th, the night of the full moon. I also have some interesting news about this full moon that many of you may not wish to hear, but there is always good and a silver lining behind every dark cloud. So let’s begin… “Your conflicts today will be your advice to share with others tomorrow,” ~ Carol Mary 2017 I hope that you all have a great week ahead, I expect to hear from those of you who need help with dream interpretation, help with ego issues or any other twin flame things. I hope you enjoyed this blog if so please go ahead and comment I love to hear from my followers and many clients. Another Reunion!!!! The most important news I have this week, is there has been another reunion!! Congratulations to Jenny and Richard!! I for one am so happy to hear your news, thank you Jenny for coming to me for help as I love to help twin flames unite, want this to be you, contact me, there is no case I can not figure out what to do with!! Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary Much Love Carol Mary xx P.s I have a very awesome video for you all to watch, I have called it Rules for Reunion, a those who want to be in the know are viewing this at www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrmqIulX5Hc&t=45s ©Carol Mary 2017. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner |
AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022