Find Your Inner Magic!Hi All, It’s be awhile since I posted, I hope that you are all doing well, it has been a pretty busy time for me in both my personal and work life. I am loving reading all of the stories you send into me, as always we are on a learning curve, so as I read about you and your Twin Flame, what is happening between you both, I am also gaining even more knowledge, so keep on sending them in. While you are on this journey of self discovery, you are going to be met with much hurt, how you deal with that depends on you and your level of understanding of who your Twin Flame is, I have found that many put their’s on a pedestal. Is this something that you do? If you answered yes then you need to do something about changing that. Your Twin Flame is the other half of you, they are not better than you, they are equal to you, so why hold them to such high expectations because surely you may end up feeling so disappointed when they let you down, which they will. Make no mistake on that, your Twin Flame like you is an imperfect person working towards being the best version of themselves, in order to get to that point they will make mistakes, hurt you and show you a side to them that you may not like. Now if you remember, I said it is how you deal with it that counts, so if you decide that you are going to feel hurt, unable to forgive and in general wallow in self pity, then you shall not learn the lesson from it, your Twin Flame will not learn what they were meant to, you both will end up stuck. STUCK!! However if you put yourself in the shoes of your Twin Flame, think about why they did what they did, what did they learn, what can I learn from this? Figure it out, forgive, heal, move forward. MOVE FORWARD. It is a process but you need to believe in yourself and find a different understanding, a new perspective. Perhaps even go so far as to take each lesson as a blessing! While I do understand that these lessons can be super painful, I have been there, when you look back from a place of union, you will see why they are necessary. So try not to suffer so much now and remember that hindsight is a wonderful thing. Do not rely on your Twin Flame for your happiness, choose to be happy, even in the hardest of times try to find a positive in your day! ~ Carol Mary False Information About a month ago, after over a year of not looking at any of the available Twin Flame information on the internet, I decided to go have a look. Most of what I saw shocked me. There is a predominance of false information out there. I was really taken aback by some of it. Here are a few examples. So you are straight, your Twin Flame is gay, therefore your mission is to change your Twin Flame so that they will be straight like you. Ummmm nah it does not work that way and it never will. You can have more than one Twin Flame, nope, hence the word Twin, meaning two. How can you have many Twin Flames, many people who share an identical soul to you. Twin Flames are rare, yes years ago when we did not have the means of communicating that we have today, the world has evolved to allow more and more Twin Flames meet. Those are just three of many that I saw, so over the next number of weeks I will be writing what I think and believe to be true. The last thing one needs on this journey is incorrect information to confuse you even more than you already are. While this journey has a lot of varied experiences and many of us share similar characteristics of them each of you on this journey has a unique path due to your life experiences - where you grow up, who your parents are, where you live etc. Energetically yes also similar experiences but never exactly the same and I will be covering some information during the next few weeks and have some special blogs talking about these things so you can truly understand. I do understand that you need answers, but you want the right ones, practical information to help you on your road to reunion, that is what I offer. We can work on both aspects however if necessary, both 3d and 5d. All of my work has a proven track record and testimonials from people who tell me I have changed their whole life and out look on their journey. Don’t be shy, email me today! Inner Magic
As the title mentioned Discover Your Inner Magic. The energy of this moon is in a very sensitive sign (Pisces) where it bodes well being a 6/11 day as mentioned above so there is an energy of dreaminess and heartfelt compassion towards others. Be sure to be compassionate towards yourself as well and don’t allow yourself to wallow in pain and misery. We get addicted to it because it seems to make life more real to us. Please practice self care - and I mean eating well, getting enough sleep, learning to clear away energies that are clouding the brightness of your light. Your inner magic or finding that intuition and learning to navigate life in a more positive way is very important. I’m not saying to look at life through rose coloured glasses but learn that in order to get what you want out of life and be happier and more in sync with your desires you need to go within. People are scared to go within because for some reason they feel that they won’t be able to cope in life without these crutches to hold onto, or that others won’t be there for them without always constantly having some sad story to tell. This moon phase is in one of the most spiritually inclined signs in the zodiac and it behooves you to learn that the Universe will not allow for you to stay in this constant darkness. Every time something negative happens, don’t look at it as punishment. Look at it as a way to become more of who you are which is NOT some down in the dumps person where everything feels so negative. The negativity is trying to tell you something, teach you something. Now is the time to rely on that inner guidance and your higher self.. Learn to use that inner radar for cleaning out the skeletons in your closet. Being scared to face your dark side and your negative issues is keeping you right where you are. No one likes to hear this especially on the twin flame journey but this is why myself and other twin flame teacher advisors say it over and over again. You want to be in physical union aka reconciliation with your twin flame? Then do the work. Learn to communicate with yourself for it is inside of you that you will find all of the answers ~ Carol Mary Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary ©Carol Mary 2018. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Visit www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com to subscribe
6/3/2018 19:58:16
Finally… And hooray!!… Somebody finally came right out and said it!!!
Carol Mary
6/3/2018 20:29:30
Hi ya,
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AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022