Trust in Yourself Hi All, We all strive for union, but what happens when you have no idea how to get there? What do you do? A huge part of being a twin flame is built on trust, trust in yourself, trust in your twin flame and perhaps trust in a person who is helping you get to union but not all of us trust others so how do you deal with that? To Trust or Not To Trust Trust, there we go with that loaded word that gets thrown around all too often, we use it inappropriately in our everyday lives. Trust is the belief that someone is reliable, honest and good, it is also used in relationships, I trust my partner, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend. I believe the first people we trust in our life are our parents as they are the ones we look to for everything at a young age, this is blind trust, you do not look for flaws in this, it is growing throughout life that makes us as humans untrusting. Can you remember the first times someone broke your trust, I can and it hurt but it also taught me a lesson to trust in someone but not fully, how do you overcome this? You have to learn to trust again, there are many factors to this so do not expect it to happen overnight. I feel that the very first thing you must do is trust in yourself, trust in your decisions, that is half the battle. Learn to Trust Again Forgiveness, in order to move forward from a hurtful situation, you must offer forgiveness, this does not always have to be for the other person but more so for yourself so that you can feel at peace with the situation. Clear open communication, do not lie or hold anything back, show your twin flame that you can talk to them and they can talk to you. As the leader twin flame you have to be a positive example for yours as they look to you to show them the way so if you show trust they will begin to show it too. Please do not allow the sin’s of your ex affect your future with your twin flame, you have to remember that not everyone will treat you how a past lover will. Showing understanding towards your twin flame in the hardest of times will prove your love and trust for them, so instead of attacking, ask questions, find out why something is the way it is before you just jump in. All of this will help you with trusting in your twin flame and working towards a happy future together. If you still feel that you can not trust in your twin flame after all of this, then you will have to begin to face the fact that you may not be able to be in a relationship with them and that is a bitter pill to swallow. Moon Musings Things are beginning to intensify more and more as we move into 2018. The year of relationship energy and an intense 11 year for not just twin flames but for spiritual growth. We’re being asked to pay attention to both the growth of ourselves but of that which who we are most connected with. Our family, close friends, and for those on the twin flame journey yes our beloved. Connected soul to soul many of us have much to do to heighten and work on to get to union. As a twin flame in union I still do work on myself to keep my union and relationship in balance. Yes we have rough moments but we work it out. As I’m sure those in union can tell you it doesn’t end once in union. It’s just different. This week we have the last quarter moon on February 7th and the energy is very intense to say the least, and not necessarily all good. With this last quarter phase as usual we’ll be dealing with internal emotional and spiritual challenges. They are related to our relationships especially intimate ones. If you’re not with your twin flame, and I know many are in separation and some of you are involved with another be it a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse -it’s going to be one of intensity. You will potentially have many intense dreams trying to sort this situation out from a soul perspective, symbolism is key to make note of as rarely do we dream of the exact situation it tends to come in symbols and synchronicities that you need to look at and the message they’re giving you. There could be possible difficulties with your partner if you are involved with someone - karmic relations especially are highlighted. Whether this is in the actual physical world or you may deal with your issues at another level, nonetheless there are things to be sorted. As it relates to your twin flame, if you’re on the journey, you may find very intense loving and even sexual dreams and thoughts and/or you may find possibly working out some matters that have you in separation and at odds with one another, no one ever said this journey was of all love and light, there will be heartache and pain as this is the only way you will learn. Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. ~ Unknown This being said you may also find yourself going to the opposite extreme where all is well and balanced and happy because you have somewhat mastered your emotions, temporarily mind you and you may find that you come from the heart with all you say and do. All I’m saying is be aware to what is going on within you. There is also the potential that your higher self will feel “called” to look at your beliefs and where you are spiritual. That could be anything, we’re all spiritual beings and “spirituality” can be many things for you. Meaning it doesn’t have to be yoga or meditation it could be something like being of service to others and volunteering or spending time reading and learning sacred texts for more knowledge about your life or practicing healing or learning about how to do healing for others and for yourself perhaps energy work or physical healing. Do you know what a Black Moon is and what it means?
As you know there were two full moons in January - yes VERY INTENSE. So that means in February we have none, just a new moon in about a week from now. And so what does the mean? When a month has no full moon in it that is what is called a BLACK MOON. There are 4 reasons for a black moon but in this case it is because of no full moon in February. In energy terms it is actually a very positive thing meaning the energy continues to intensify from the two full moons right up until the next one which is in March. This gives us an open pathway to continue more positive work on changing circumstances in our life, both personally and with our twin flame. Taking advantage of the energy means you can continue to look for signs and signals about the direction to follow, and be sure to ask for clear directions and if you have problems understanding them don’t hesitate to contact me and I can perhaps provide a bit of insight or what it might mean for you at the time. It is a powerful time to work with the energies and tools you have, towards your most heartfelt desires and the intentions you wish to bring to fruition in the physical world, no matter how small. A great time to work with me on perhaps taking your union to another level via some of my services that can provide additional insight or shift your connection to a more positive path between the two of you as well as also working on yourself. Such as related to what is going on with the energy of this last quarter moon phase. I do have services for both twin flames and individuals. Please ask. That is all for this week people, I am super excited for this year ahead and I have it on good authority that this year is going to bring more than a few unions. I know of two such ones already and we are only at the beginning of February, I do things very differently and it works!! If you have not already seen it, I wrote an article revisiting who or what is a twin flame ~ Click here to read that! Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary ©Carol Mary 2018. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Visit www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com to subscribe
2/4/2018 14:45:13
Thanks Carol Mary for writing such an awesome blog that is filled with tremendous, useful information. Super Big Hugs!
2/4/2018 15:02:13
Great post hun! A few things to say here..
2/4/2018 16:48:26
Thank you as always for the blog. It helps in open my eyes, and I enjoy reading your advice. I appreciate all you do, and we're getting there one day at a time. Thanks for being there, and helping so many of us that really do appreciate this. Thank you.
1/22/2019 10:47:06
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AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022