Twin Flame Frustration Special Energy Days & Moon Musings to end FebruaryHi All, This week’s blog is a little later than normal, those who know me will know I did this on purpose and those who don’t, well now you do!! My Twin Flame Frustrates Me! Although I do not usually use the word normal when I refer to people, as who can define what normal is, I am going to use it for this blog. Our sleeper twin flame, the one who is unaware, will have little understanding of this journey whereas you the more awakened twin flame will have so much more information and pretty much know what you are dealing with. Our counterpart is a normal person with normal thought processes, so how will they know when they hurt you deeply? They most likely do not and will not until they awaken to who they are to you and even then will they even know that they are a Twin Flame or will they just think, wow I can not stay away from this person no matter what I do. Frustration!! A reader wrote to me last week and said, “I am so tired of being a twin flame, I can not do this anymore, he just treats me so badly, how can he be this way, why does he not feel this love how I do? How is it that I am expected to forgive him for everything that he does when if I did the same he would head for the hills. He treats me so unfairly, I feel like I am settling for less than I deserve. Help!” How do you to surpass those feelings? How do you overcome them so you can move forward? Feelings Well firstly you have to know that as the informed Twin Flame, so it is easier for you in a way as you are aware of what it takes to get to union, your Twin Flame, is not, therefore I know it will be pissing you off that they are not working as hard as you are but how can they when they do not know and you fear them thinking that you are crazy if you tell them. That is one of the first hurdles you will come up against. Most often you are jumping to conclusions, especially when it comes to contact between you, do not sit by the phone wondering and willing it to call or for you to get a text, get busy, do things because if you do not, you will end up getting frustrated and angry. Leave the phone alone! They might actually really be busy and not able to answer you at that very moment! They may not know what to say. There are many reasons why someone does not answer right away or even the same day!! A positive mental attitude is a must, sitting around moping about what has happened or what will happen and could happen, is never a helpful thing. This causes resentment which leads to you not being loyal to your Twin Flame or your goal. Many find themselves in the position that they can not talk about their feelings to their Twin Flame as they fear them walking away. Ultimatums do not work so do not waste valuable time on these, try love, understanding and forgiveness, which I know is not always easy and that whole settling for less feeling will start to creep in but in fact you are not, it could not be further from the truth, this is the ultimate love connection that anyone can have. To get over those feelings, you firstly have to remember that your Twin Flame shares a soul with you, so in effect you are a carbon copy of each other so try looking within yourself. That mirror effect, is it really true, so you might say oh I would never do the things they do to me, but think back on your life, really look hard and you might just find that you have treated another like that and it is something that you now need to work on and make right. Being a Twin Flame is a journey of discovery, working, fixing and healing. Don’t be one of those twin flames who only sees what is wrong with your twin flame and can not see what is within yourself. Fears Fear that your twin flame will leave you if you tell them your true feelings about what they do to you or how they make your feel. How do you let them know your feelings without them feeling like you are judging them, can you do it out of unconditional love? You have to learn how to communicate with you twin with unconditional love in mind otherwise it will never work and in time they will learn from you and then the good stuff begins to happen! No one said leading your Twin Flame to union was ever going to be easy, but if it was too easy would it actually be worth it. The Twin Flame push and pull can be difficult but union sure is a beautiful thing and you should never lose sight of that goal. Have a bad day if you must but giving up does not serve any purpose and it only allows you to feel like shit! Stop acting out of ego. The key can be acceptance and learning to love yourself. As the month of love comes to a close, remember love is something you give, receive and practice every day. Two More Special Energy Days This Month
Feb 22nd is 2/22/11 (as 2018 is an 11 year) so what is amplified is not only the union energy but also the energy of the year plus the energy that is about relationships in general and especially for twin flames - the deep intimate closeness that can be built between you. This is also about mirroring energy so we have the push towards each other but also the pull away because of the intensity. It is duality based so that is within is also without and also an amplifying of the number 1 as well so much can be done here with this energy. Think uniting work, building that relationship between you in 5D -which is where I come in, plus also helping with ceasing that push/pull dynamic where it is easier to deal with so that you two are on mutual common ground and know where you’re heading and I can also help you with your personal self worth and self esteem and such. February 27th is another 11:11 day (2/27/11 or 2-9-11 so 11/11 as 2+9 is 11) so you know how much I love this number and these days. Today you should begin to see that things will be just fine, reassured if you will for you both. It could be that things are fine for you personally, that you’re on the right path. It is also for those new on that path or if you’ve not met your twin face to face, that indeed it is meant to happen someway, somehow. For those a bit further along it’s a sign that just keep going it’s falling into place and the universe has it handled. Could be that your guides are trying to communicate with you about something so they’re asking you to tune in to their energy and yes for twin flames that your twin flame is thinking of you and things are showing up for them related to you as well. 9 in numerology is cycles ending so with this energy consider this that things are shifting too in ways you do not and are not meant to know but they are good things. Let go of the control factor in other words and 9 is very connected to being aware spiritually of what is going on from a global perspective so as it relates to the twin flame journey. We are speaking of the twin flame collective and working with it to lift up everyone on the journey or be of help to someone in the twin flame collective somehow in their journey. So it’s a good day for someone like me, a twin flame teacher/mentor. It is also about being part of the global consciousness and being aware that WE ARE ALL CONNECTED! Moon Musings First quarter moon always presents external challenges - meaning what we perceive of others and how we react OR respond and also external challenges from others not necessarily from within or they may question what you’re trying to accomplish during this positive phase. The energy of this moon phase is a bit restless with tendency toward dark moods and possibly arguments and quarrels but there is also a bright energy of warm hearted connection with others and being able to take action and have thoughts of creativity and moving forward. This may be a time of analyzing your feelings on things or talking with others on what you’re feeling about things going on between you or in your life to perhaps have someone lend a hand with where you need to focus. Or you may find being a sympathetic, empathetic person to help others with their life and things going on with them now. Caution is good don’t just speak for the sake of speaking but use your words wisely, with yourself and with others. I hope that this blog helps you, please let me know your thoughts, I love hearing from you all and if you have any question that you would like to see turned into a blog please feel free to send it along!! Until next week!! Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.”~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct message or Facebook inbox. Take a chance, make a change, unite! ~ Carol Mary ©Carol Mary 2018. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Visit www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com to subscribe
2/21/2018 22:45:00
Wowza Carol Mary did that speak to me.. you know full well how I've been off and on... got the message loud n clear.. I know what I need to be doing.. and I told you that in on of my email replies... yes for sure.. need to do the stuff ...
2/21/2018 22:54:03
Another amazing blog! This hits home. What you say here is exactly what I did to get myself into union. It's been almost 3 years for us now. So worth all the ups and downs. I hope others take your advice here.
2/21/2018 23:10:31
It's about time I did .... 5 years into the journey and it's not been easy the last 2 or so.. much of what she said here, You can for sure know she's seen me all over the place, negative, frustrated.. I can go on and on... I can't do this to us anymore.. back to what I was doing before.. and more...
Loretta Le Breton
2/24/2018 11:39:42
I am waiting for that trip to Vegas :) Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022