Twin Flame Union BreakersHi All, I just realized today that the last time I wrote a blog was July 2020, oh how time goes by so quickly in this ever changing world we live in. I think we have all been learning how to live in this new more confused world. I have gone back and forth on whether I should write this blog or not because I know that for some this will not be a popular topic however I do feel that it needs to be said and not only to protect you but to help you to see the light on your Twin Flame or life’s journey. I see that the word Twin Flame is being thrown around in the media and amongst celebs these days. Does this take away from what Twin Flames are truly about? Are they just two words now without the beautiful meaning that was behind them before it became the latest trend? Or is it much better because now it is not such a taboo subject? I also have been wondering in general if our inherent need to find the love of our lives and constantly seeking out the perfect life that leads us to the conclusion that we must find our Twin Flame or that you have to be with them no matter what and at all cost? I am also sure that your longing to be with your Twin Flame has become more pronounced over the past year. Fear is most likely playing a role in that. The fear that you will never see them again combined with the what if’s, and’s and but's. So bearing all of that in mind I am going to let you in on what others may not but the reasons why some Twin Flames are just not meant to unite in this lifetime and no matter what you do it will not happen. Mental Health With mental health issues becoming something that we are all dealing with more, stay at home orders, filling your time up where you once went out and hung out with your friends. Being alone or not having any of your usual outlets for your emotions becoming commonplace. I ask the question: are you taking care of your mental health? You mental health and state of mind really are pivotal on this journey, when it comes to being so affected by what is going on in your life that you are contemplating ending your life or doing something that could land you in big trouble, it is time to stop. Union is not a priority anymore, you are! There is not one person in this lifetime worth you taking your life over. If this becomes an issue for you, it is time to seek counselling and work through these issues you are feeling before it is too late. Be an active participant in your own life and mental health. Narcissists and the Twin Flame Journey Another common belief out there is that the sleeper can be a narcissist however I have found that it can in fact be the person who believes they are the leader Twin Flame who really is the narcissist. This comes from their sense of entitlement that union is theirs no matter what they do or how they treat their Twin Flame and others in life. It is all a matter of control and when you are on a true Twin Flame journey almost everything except your inner healing is out of your control. There sometimes is an unhealthy need for attention and admiration from the other person, this can indicate that there are narcissist tendencies. The person may not be able to handle any criticism at all therefore not working on the things that they need to because they will not accept that they are doing anything wrong in the first place. They quite simply disregard the feelings of the sleeper and continue to keep doing what they have always done, even if they are given advice to the contrary, they do not stop. Then they blame others for the mistakes they make. However even though the cases of this are few and far between, it is not outside of the realms of belief on this journey. In this case union will not happen unless the leader Twin Flame works through these issues.
Stalking Twin Flames do not stalk. They just do not even though often times they are perceived as stalkers. Time to educate yourself; The difference between being a stalker and a Twin Flame is huge. Stalking is following the person around. Showing up to their home, place of work or even a store they commonly go to, Twin Flames do not do this in fact most of my clients are very surprised when they do come into contact with their Twin Flame. Stalking is sending gifts, cards, flowers or money to the victim in an unsolicited manner, Twin Flames do not do this either. In fact many of them are too fearful of upsetting the other by doing something like this. Stalking is tracking their online activity to the extreme. Many of the Twin Flames I know have decided not to even look at their Twin Flames social media or online activity for they do not live in that needy space and if they have been they quickly realize that it serves no purpose. Stalking is harassing another person’s friends and family. This is not cool and not something that I believe Twin Flames partake in. Stalking is physically or sexually assaulting the victim or the victims friends and family. Twin Flames are peaceful people and do not act this way at all. In fact most are empaths and very sensitive to the feelings of others. Stalking is stealing, vandalizing or damaging the victim or the victims family and friend’s property. I have never come across a Twin Flame who does this. I do know that there are rare cases where a Twin Flame will have a restraining or no contact order put on them through the courts. The never happening for a Twin Flame is if they have a restraining order put on them. Your journey ends there because chances are you have done something that is way above and beyond for the other person. There is nothing that can be done to change those circumstances. If you have or are doing any of the above examples of stalking, you do need to seek help for your actions. This is an unhealthy obsession. The no coming back from:
Healthy Balance The world must not and should not revolve around your Twin Flame. In fact this journey is a healing one, one where you learn about yourself and work on your inner healing. Finding your space in the universe where you are happy in your own skin. Discovering whether it is a romantic connection or a friendship should be established early. It is very important to recognize that it is a soul connection, a healing connection and one that will test you to your limits. I believe it is important to remember that the sleepers actions are not coming from the same place as you. They are not awakened to the journey like you are and it is foolish to think things are any other way until they indicate to you that things have changed. A word to the wise: be careful who you align yourself with on this journey as the energies of others can really bring negative into your life. Ensuring that you keep positive in your life and in each day is pivotal. That will help you to create a healthy balance in your life. Self Worth Your level of self worth can really affect where you are on the Twin Flame journey and I have come to the conclusion that you need to work on this and come to a place of peace with who you are flaws and all. I have just this week created a new video for you to have a watch of and I do feel that it will help you with your self worth. This is video 3 in the series for you: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEV01hjLgGo&list=PLog9ebJmHt47f8jKyL75yYebmjAcoTkVV&index=1 Final Thoughts If you are interested in becoming a successful leader Twin Flame and helping yourself to change your life. Maybe it is time to invest in yourself and take one of the classes that I have on offer for Twin Flames. If you would like to see some sample exercises in this class go ahead and send me an email @ [email protected] Always remember there are no experts on your life’s journey and with your Twin Flame. I too am learning with you and everyday brings something new. Something for sure to note however is Reuniting Comes From Within. Classes by Carol Mary Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.” ~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct messages or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2021. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner
Do you make these Twin Flame errors?Hi All, Welcome to July, I feel like the months have been going by quickly however it seems that we are now living life at a slower pace, so I guess you could say that is the one positive of COVID, is that people had no choice but to sit and evaluate their lives. Creating change, have you been one of those people and if yes, I would love to hear about the changes you have been making. I am a self admitting people watcher, us humans are super interesting, body language speaks far more than words to me and I do not think we genuinely know and understand how much we give away by our actions. Actions speak louder than words or do they? Actions are very important on this Twin Flame journey and they are greatly affecting especially when it comes to the sleeper, many feel that their actions speak volumes, however most pick up the message that they are giving you in the totally wrong way and that can really hold you back. An example of that would be, your Twin Flame and you have not seen each other for a while and when you do you both argue, you walk away, they walk away and you both have different thoughts from that encounter. What you see is how could they treat me that way after they have not seen me for so long. I love them but I will not be treated this way. What your Twin Flame feels, I love you but wow it is hard to be around you because you are always mad with me for not seeing you but every time I do see you, we fight because we do not see each other. This then becomes a cycle. Another scenario might be, your Twin Flame had sex with someone else, this is a huge one and honestly very hurtful. However you are not in a committed relationship with each other, you have not become exclusive so your Twin Flame is free to be with someone else as are you. The action of them sleeping with another person is totally unbelievable to you, how could they do that after being with you. You cry, your become angry, you feel you are not good enough for them, so many emotions are being felt by you at this point. However you were not exclusive, you are not married, hell you are not even in a relationship with them, so how did they cheat? Just because of the connection that you have with your Twin Flame it does not mean that you own them, it does not mean that you can control them or their actions. One of the biggest mistakes a Twin Flame leader makes is thinking that they can have authority or ownership rights of their counterpart. Pecking order of the relationship While I was sitting in the hairdressers this past week, I overheard a conversation, yes accidentally on purpose, about how this lady felt that for the first 3 years of her relationship they were trying to establish the pecking order. I was listening to this in amusement because this is one of the hardest things on the Twin Flame journey. There are two positions many people feel they are in when they begin their journey, either they are above or below their counterpart, they never see themselves as equal, they are on the pedestal or they have hurt them so much they are down there in the gutter. The power struggle is real. There should be no such thing as pecking order in any relationship you have with another person, you should not be friends with someone to make yourself better about who you are. You should not be friends with someone if they put you down and make you feel less than you are. Being equal to others is what many people fight for every day, the world is unjust but you do not have to be. Allow each and every person who comes into your life to be treated as your equal because at the end of the day. Lead others with your positive example. Even if someone annoys you or makes you feel angry, treat them with compassion and how you would like to be treated. This is the way forward. Your Twin Flame is your equal, you were chosen to be with each other and even though both of you make mistakes, do not allow one of the biggest mistakes Twin Flames make to stand in the way of your relationship with each other which is not seeing your sleeper as your equal. Is it your right to judge them for what they do?
The short answer to this is no but you would be amazed how many Twin Flame leaders judge their sleeper and get angry because they seem to have the ability to live their lives and not show that they are missing you or even show any wish to see you. I mean how dare they?!? They are so inconsiderate right? Wrong that is the assumption that you have made, while you may feel you know what is going on because of the connection you have, for the most part you have no clue what they are truly thinking. Selfishness I feel that often the leader Twin Flame believes that the sleeper Twin Flame is a very selfish person because if they were not they would listen to you and understand what you were trying to accomplish. When you think this way you are not coming from a place of understanding, where are you coming from then I hear you ask and yes I am going to use that word ego! Yes I actually said ego. We have seen more recently than other times how selfish people really can be, COVID and toilet paper for instance, those times when people do not think of others and their needs. Stocking up on all of their feelings and letting them lose on your sleeper Twin Flame all at once will cause a huge ripple effect and I have been seeing more of this recently as people have more time than usual on their hands. Too much time to think so while you are thinking why don’t you go ahead and see how you can make a positive change today, instead of a negative one. How you React I can not express to you how much the way you react to a given situation on this journey will allow you to get further and further away from union. Before you react think, your actions affect union more than you know, the longer you live in a space of hurt, the longer you believe that you own your Twin Flame, the longer you feel that you know it all and the more intense of a person you are, can all scare your sleeper away and have them not wanting to come back. While the leader often lays blame at the door of their Twin Flame they can not see where they are going wrong. You must always look within first, then come from a place of understanding until you understand who you are and how you react to situations, you will not be able to understand your sleeper. It is important also to note that what you give out to the universe you will get in return. So if you are a person who lives in a lower or negative vibe, that is exactly what will be given back to you in return. Self pity will not be tolerated on this journey. Be careful what you wish for when you are angry with your Twin Flame because that is exactly what you might get if you continue in that mindset. While I do know that it is hard to always be the one who is positive, the one who seems to be the only one doing any work. It is essential that you find something uplifting in each day even if it is as simple as listening to your favorite song. No more what ifs, don't look back, only forward and at what is!! Continue to always move forward, do not stay stuck. If you have that internal and eternal feeling of being stuck,not knowing how to get past the hurdles presented to you, we need to talk, so feel free to email me at [email protected]. Last months blog, a must read if you have not read it yet all about communication and your Twin Flame:https://www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com/carolmaryblog/communication-and-your-twin-flame#/ Do Twin Flames have a history and how can science be linked? Yes read on here:https://www.reunitingcomesfromwithin.com/twin-flame-must-knows/the-science-and-history-of-twin-flames#/ Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolmary11.11/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.” ~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct messages or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2020. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Hi All, I hope that you are all doing well during the current climate, I do know that we are living in extraordinary times and that many of us have to try and embrace what we can when we can. Since March things have been very uncertain for the most of the world’s population, however they have been uncertain for Twin Flames for a lot longer than that so if you think you do not have this, you do, you have got this, today is no different to a day in February when you did not see what is coming. I think that the feeling of uncertainty allows us to muddy the waters when it comes to our Twin Flame journey. How can you love someone this much and not know that you are going to have a future together, why on earth would this happen and what are you meant to do so that you know you are going to be in union with this person who has turned your whole life upside down. The anxiety you feel because “oh no” you are going to lose them because they would act differently if they felt what you felt. If they love you how you love them, they would never treat you this way, they would always make contact. The biggest myth on the Twin Flame journey is that your Twin Flame will not treat you badly, that they will always make contact with you and if they love you they would never say or do anything that hurts you. This is huge, you need to realize that they are human too, they make mistakes just like you do and that they are called the sleeper because they are not awakened to who you are to them so you just can not expect them to do as you do, not yet anyway. A true leader will lead their Twin Flame home to them, they will not whine and cry about what their other half is not doing quite frankly because they are too busy working on themselves and changing their old way of being, stepping in their power and truth. What have you been doing? If you have been wallowing in self pity, if you can not understand what is going on with your journey I need to hear from you. Book in for a consultation that will give you all the tools you need to navigate those muddy waters. Are you being taken for granted? So now that we have that out of the way I had a thought about how leader Twin Flames are super scared to ignore their Twin Flame so it does seem that you teach them how to take you for granted or only talk to you when it suits them. I have a solution for that and it may shock you. There are times when you actually need to ignore your sleeper Twin Flame, yes I said ignore and yes I am very serious. Practiced Ignoring Our beloved sleeper Twin Flame can pick and choose when to talk to us but we are meant to jump as soon as they contact us and answer, so as the leader Twin Flame what are you teaching them when they do that? You are showing your Twin Flame that:
The big question of course is when do you ignore and when do you answer and this varies but one thing you should never do is answer them out of fear that if you do not they will never text you again. That is just not true. I know that many feel forgotten about when they do not hear from their sleeper however I have it on very good authority that they really do miss you just as much. They just show it the totally wrong way. You do not need to answer your Twin Flame the very second that they call, text or email you. You most certainly do not need to sit and wait to hear from them either, you can not put your life on hold or dwell on their lack of contact. You have your own life too and your time is priceless so do not give in to your need to hear from them. Expectations, you should not expect to hear from your Twin Flame in the same token and yes I know it is confusing but how do you teach a child to break their bad habits?!? Your must help your sleeper to break this bad habit too. Practiced ignoring also means that you ignore certain things that they say to you, like bouts of self pity, once you have entertained this once or twice you need to speak up and say no I am not listening to this anymore. I do know that some Twin Flames allow their counterpart to be disrespectful to you. Do not ever be scared to shut a conversation down with them and show them that you are not going to be treated badly. Something that will work for this is saying that you will speak to them when they show you the respect you deserve, then ignore, do not answer anymore or engage with them, allow them to think about their behavior. Repetitive Contact
Something that you must never do is contact your Twin Flame over and over and over without hearing from them because that is stalker material right there and you do not want to be that person ever! So if this is something that you do, if this is needy you, knock it off right away because it will push your Twin Flame even further away from you than you ever thought it would. Half way method. I know you are wondering what I mean by this, so you text your Twin Flame on a Monday and you do not hear from them until the following Monday, that is 7 days since you last heard from them so you do not answer them for 3 and a half days. Allow them to check their phone for you. Show yourself that you deserve better. Sleeper check in. Oh yes there is such a thing, have you ever gotten random contact and been very surprised because you have not heard from them in forever. Well that is your sleeper Twin Flame checking in on you. If you are constantly sending them messages, posting to social media, allowing them to know that you are ok but when they do not have that they will have to message you to check in on you, now I am not telling you to get rid of your social media just do not always make things so easy for them. Finally I hope that you are doing well and staying healthy. If you have any questions about this article please feel free to send me along an email to [email protected]. As many of us are somewhat bored, stuck at home working and the only time we get out is for a walk, why not make someone's day and also help out a person who may be struggling. Have you all noticed a growing trend? People around the world are painting rocks and randomly putting them around their parks and beaches for other people to pick up and enjoy. We are inviting all creatives to spread the love. Over the next several months there will be a monthly drawing. Show us your prettiest painted rocks with the note in sharpie pen, #reunitingcomesfromwithin on the back. Each time you paint a rock send us a message or email to [email protected] along with your address. Your name will be entered into a drawing for a little gift from myself Carol Mary. Now make sure you tuck those rocks around your town so that others can enjoy them! Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.” ~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct messages or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2020. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner Reality Check Twin FlamesHi All, Yes it really has been a while since I wrote a monthly blog, I am sure I could come up with a million reasons why that is the case, a thousand excuses, a hundred justifications but of course I will not bore you with all that. Life is always full of reasons, excuses and justifications but at the end of the day who will really remember all of that. Story Time So let’s begin with a story, this is about a lady who does her very best to help out everyone she meets in life, she works hard to try and keep everyone that crosses her path happy and she very rarely deviates from this path. She has a secret however, one that she holds in the forefront of her mind, she is deeply hurt by the nature of many humans today, she does not understand why they are not grateful for her help, why do they complain and whine when things do not go their way? What kind of world do we live in today, where people do not thank another for a kind act, where people are never happy and always looking at the negative side of things. When did people become so miserable that they can not see the lighter side of life. When was the last time you took a long hard look at yourself and realized that you were happy and grateful in life. Are you entitled? Entitlement, let’s talk about that for a moment, I am sure that most people who read this blog, will have a teenager or will know a teenager, what has happened to the kids of today? Are we really bringing our kids up this way, are we really allowing them to act like spoilt brats. When was the last time you saw your child without their head stuck in their phone? When was the last time you had a meaningful conversation with them? If you think about it, it has probably been awhile because they are more interested in snapchat and tik tok and the latest piece of drama to notice that they should be grateful to you for the home you provide them with. I was having a chat with a friend of mine last night and they told me that when they asked their daughter what she was thankful for on Thanksgiving, she said her phone and her friends. I do not remember a day go by when I have not been thankful for my parents and everything that they have done for me and continue to do! I watched with horror in a restaurant on a night out recently, there was a couple, a man and a woman. I would say that both of them were in their 50’s. They were arguing over something trivial I assume. I did not want to hear their conversation and I am sure that no one in the restaurant did either but the male jumped up and he said and I quote “ Do you want me to punch you in the face like I used to” He proceeded to throw his napkin in her face and then charged out of the restaurant. How many people do you think got up and asked that lady if she was ok, no one. Is this the kind of society you want to live in? Homelessness, it is in every country, in every city, in every town, we mostly fob it off these days, that person is a druggie, that is why they are on the streets, they are a no good for nothing, probably ended up on the streets because they did not want to make a success of their lives. There are children living on our streets, their are children being trafficked, there is a lot going on in our world that really is not wonderful, but why do we turn a blind eye these days? Simply because it is easier to!! Doubt, the Root of Evil on the Twin Flame journey. Doubts, we all have doubts about all manner of things that are going on in our lives. However I see the knock on effect of this when it comes to Twin Flames. It only takes one to tear down a wall that took ages to build, it only takes one to set the other off, then that person will bring another down with them. Whether this is doubt in yourself, your journey or the person who is helping you on your journey! Am I smart enough? Am I good enough? Will I make it? Do I really deserve union? How long until someone realizes that I am a fraud and I should not be on this journey? How long until someone see’s that I am not strong enough to make it to union? Truth of the matter is you do not need to be good enough, you do not need to be smart enough, you do not need to deserve union. You just need to be present on your journey, so what I mean by that is, this is your journey, YOURS and yours alone, what anyone else is doing or feeling, should not affect you, so that you are questioning everything that is going on around you and I can guarantee you that while you are doing that, you are missing a golden opportunity on your road to reunion. Do not make your doubts, the doubts of every other Twin Flame around you!! Stop, think then act. So I am sure you are wondering why I mentioned entitlement, it is simply because you are not entitled to union, you need for work for that, it is not going to just land in your lap because it was written on your soul a long time ago. It does not work like that, so today is the day you get up off your butt and work for the union that you want so badly!! Now I know you want to know why I spoke about the lady in the restaurant and homelessness, it is because we are Twin Flames, we are here on this earth to make a difference but that difference can not be made until you start to do things to make that change. So the next time you see a homeless person, do not be afraid to ask them their story, you may be very surprised by what you find out, the next time you see that lady in the restaurant, ask her if she needs help or just if she is ok, you never know the difference you can really make. Always, Always, try and put yourself in the shoes of other people before you make any judgement, in fact, do not make one, instead come to a place of understanding for that is the Twin Flame way. What’s Happening This Month
December, will it be packed with romance for you Twin Flames or will it be a hot mess? You decide because in truth you are the one in charge of your journey, the master of your own destiny as the leader Twin Flame. Wow, did I actually say that you can be the one to decide how things go in your life? Well damn, yes I did. The day you start to look at your journey in a different way will be the first day, the first step closer to your union. The day you realize that while others can help you with this, they can not get you the whole way, you need to work for it too. It is time for you to discover that pep in your step that you had in the beginning of your journey. Do you remember that one, where you were excited, where you had hope? Yes, if so, grab that feeling again! It’s time. Before we begin 2020, I want you to realize you are an unlimited being in this world and that you are the one in control of how your life goes. This energy is directive, and also full of determination and forward thinking. It is also about looking after you and no I do not mean in a selfish way, or vain/arrogant, but knowing you have meaning and purpose and doing those things that make you feel connected to yourself, feel balanced and therefore are able to then direct that energy towards projects and others. Now having said all of that I want you to watch out for your ego, you know that big bad thing that often stands in your way of learning that all important lesson. You may feel the need to speak out and let others know your feelings with either concern or lack of concern depending on the situation. Please use your head first! Think before you respond instead of reacting to everything and everyone! Be careful to not procrastinate or wallow in pity or drag your heels in the areas of your life where you need to move forward. You also need spiritual and mental AND emotional intelligence to keep you balanced. Moon Phases The new moon, is about creating new intentions and acting on them and following through on them in whatever way you’re directed. Whether that is physical synchronicities, spiritual messages, guidance and help from others in your life and so forth. Do not disregard ANY guidance you get, no matter how small the step may seem you do not know where it could lead. Remain open and willing! No resistance! This is also a time to listen and not speak - remember we have 2 ears and only 1 mouth.. By the way that means spiritually as well as in your physical environment. Speak less, listen more, look for the meaning behind others words and ask for clarification if you do not understand, do not presume the worst, be sure you listen to get the clear message. It also means if within your spiritual practice you pray it would mean since prayer is speaking to the Divine, and meditation is listening - both to your higher self (which is the Divine within you) and it means listen to the messages you receive, stop asking for things to happen because maybe the answer is already there and you just don’t OR won’t see it. Allow and open. pause then process.. Don’t just jump in, step back, think before taking action and if you don’t know the action then you most likely aren’t looking in the right places. That is when you ask for guidance and if you truly know yourself, as in your higher self you’ll be guided honestly and truthfully to where you need to be. The moon phase dates are as follows December 4th is the First Quarter which as we know means it is time to move forward with your plans you’re intending no matter how small. Full Moon on December 12th more will come to light as to where you need to be, what you need to do and what you leave behind or go off in another direction. December 19th is the Last/Third Quarter phase, time for quiet reflection and perhaps re-organizing our goals and resetting our directions and to think about perhaps trying a new direction so that when the new year energy arrives you know which way you are going. December 26th New Moon comes around we know where we’re going and a better idea on how to get there. Revise your plans and look at where you need to focus, don’t be scattered, focus on one area of your life at a time once one is in place, maintain the momentum and whatever else syncs up with that go there. A Note From Carol Mary Remember the importance of trusting in yourself and your gut instinct this month because you will never know where it will lead you to. Do not trust and you might just miss another wonderful opportunity to take a chance, to make that change so you can eventually reunite, because let's face it, who does not want to be with their Twin Flame here in the physical, but you have to do it without the aire of codependency or desperation but that is of course a topic for another day. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who read this blog, to let you know that your feedback is always appreciated and that I would love to hear from you if you are struggling. I hope that those of you who celebrate, have a wonderful season and that you find some happiness in everyday of December. Useful Links: Contact me at: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarolMary1111/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarolMary1111 Instagram: www.instagram.com/reunitingcomesfromwithintwinfl/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1xAgZKyLOJ1fNEUtW69bg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/carolmary11/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reunitingcomesfromwithin/ This is a good year for uniting twin flames and I am very honored to aid you on your road to reunion. “Look inside yourself, become the best version of you, reuniting comes from within.” ~ Carol Mary Please do not hesitate to contact me for more help with any of the above or any of my other blogs, I always strive to answer every email, direct messages or Facebook inbox. ©Carol Mary 2013 ~ 2019. ©Reuniting comes from within All Rights Reserved. No part of copyrighted material may be used, altered or copied in any way without the express written permission of the copyright owner |
AuthorCarol Mary's thoughts on love and this journey we call life! Archives
February 2022